Damnatio memoriae - 1

55 2 0

"One more minute." Stiles said, pushing my phone away from the nightstand. "Mmh," I pulled away from him, which, trust me, was hard. "You know that could have been an important call."

Stiles shrugged and smirked underneath me. "If it's important they'll call again." Stiles sits up and pulls me down again. His hands ran through my hair and his lips were ridiculously addictive. I mean when did this man learn how to kiss. Especially like this. But I will indulge for as much as I can. My parents were at work so we had the house to ourselves.

My phone rings again. Dammit. "Stiles," I moaned in between kisses. Stiles reluctantly pulled away, brushing the hair out of my face and holding me tight. "I wish we could just stay like this." I sighed and kissed him one last time and I mean that or else we'll go right back to what we were doing. "I know."

I get off him, which involves rolling off the bed and crash landing on the floor. Didn't feel like getting up so I simply crawled to the other side of the bed and picked up my phone from where it was discarded on the floor. And simultaneously picked up my shirt that was also discarded on the floor. Get your head out of the gutter. I still have pants.

I opened my phone and saw the two missed calls were from Parrish. I called back. "Parrish, you have impeccable timing." I sassed as I tugged my shirt back on. "What is it?"

"I need you and Scott to come over to the telecom station."

"Cool. Why?"

"There was a murder. And according to Liam-"

"Liam?!" I stand up and adjust my shirt. "Why was Liam there?!"

"I'll tell you when you get here." Parrish said and I pursued my lips into a firm line. Touché Parrish. Touché. "I'll be there in a few." I cut the call and looked back at Stiles. "You can come with me if you want?" I kind of hoped he would. He and Scott haven't talked much since everything happened. They need to get things patched up again and if I have to give them a nudge in that direction then I'm going to.

Stiles shakes his head, getting off his bed and striding to his phone in the bathroom. "No. I'm gonna go see my dad." Stilinski was still in the hospital but it was just as a precaution. The doctors after all didn't really know what really happened to him. They're just covering their bases and making sure he's absolutely okay. I'm almost sure that Stiles prefers he stays in the hospital. Where he's safe. "'ll meet you and Scott later?"

Well if that means they're gonna be in the same room together then I'm all for it. "I'll see you then." We kissed goodbye and I took off. I took a pit stop to Starbucks to get some coffee because it was way too early to deal with supernatural criminal stuff. I had to google the direction of the telecom station because I had never been there before. Scott was already there and both men were waiting for me.

I yawn and stretch, drinking a final sip of my coffee before making my way over to them. "You better have a good reason for this Jordan." I was doing some very important stuff. Parrish nods. "I do."

Scott gives me a look. "You're covered in Stiles." He whispered so Parrish couldn't hear. I shushed him. "Shut up dad."

Parrish handed us his phone with some footage on it. "This is from the relay station's security camera." According to the timestamp this was from last night. A tall black creature burst from the building and ran on all fours after someone. I'm assuming that it was Liam it ran after.

"That looked big." It also didn't look like a wolf. It has a sort of gassy look to it.

Parrish nods. "And too fast for anyone to get a good look at it." When Parrish sees the look on Scott's face, his eyes widen in realization. "But you already know what it is, don't you?" I look at Scott. "Come again?"

Scott looks even more worried as he turns his head toward the entrance to the building and sees where the Beast ripped the door right off its hinges the night before. "The last Chimera."

Parrish leads us inside the relay station, and we walk down the steps until we get to the ground floor, where we find the space completely wrecked-- power cables have been ripped apart and are showering sparks onto the floor, and equipment and cabinets of all kinds have been smashed or knocked over. Scott immediately notices the puddle of blood and water on the floor near the wall where the technician was killed the previous night and kneels next to.

"You still got a blacklight?" I asked Parrish. There was only one way to know for sure if this was the last chimera. Parrish took out a small UV light from his utility belt before handing it over. I turned it on and passed it through the blood. Revealing dark shadows of modified mercury. Scott looks grim. "Mercury means Chimera."

Parrish looks both horrified and confused by this news. "But what was it doing here? Why come here and kill some random communications tech?"

I shrug. "Maybe it just likes to kill. Maybe it's what it does."

"That's terrifying." Scott stands to his feet and looks at Parrish with concern. "Parrish, how many bodies do you actually see when you dream about the Nemeton?" Parrish frowns and sighs before he finally answers. "Everyone." I sighed. That's not ominous. Not at all.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"I can help you with that if you want." I stare at Scotts wounds. He should have healed by now. He still has the claw marks Theo left him from when he killed him. It doesn't make any sense to me. Everything else healed fine but not that.

Scott shakes his head as he cleans up as best as he can. "No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure you aren't just not letting yourself heal?" I mean it's happened before. When we thought Derek had died. He was basically depressed and didn't let himself heal. I do not have any fond memories of Derek's almost death. Scott nearly died, we nearly died. Ethan almost died and at the time I will admit that I really didn't care if he did.

Scott shrugs at my input. "I don't really know." Oh he totally isn't letting himself heal.

Stiles appears in the doorway right before Scott is able to put the new gauze bandage over his chest, and he looks horrified and concerned by the sight of Scott's wounds. Scott himself is more shocked and concerned by Stiles' arrival, and quickly covers up the wound before he can get a better look at it. Scott shoots me a quick look for not having warned him. I brush his look off.

"Hey." Stiles said nervously. He paused, unsure of what to say. Scott shrugs it off. "Sometimes it just takes longer." Liar, liar pants on fire. Scott quickly puts on a shirt and walks toward us with a curious expression.

"What are you doing here?" I nudged Stiles to go on. "Uh... you heard about the guy who got killed out at the communication towers, right? I think I may have figured something out..."

"What, you want my help?"

"Yeah, well... You said you can find the clues that I can't. Here, take a look." Stiles pulls out his phone and shows us a longer version of the video that Parrish showed us earlier.

"This is when the technician first arrived. You see him going in? Then, Deputy Clark goes in. Then, something really big and really fast comes charging out, and now comes Clark. Eventually, the technician's body is carried out by paramedics."

Scott frowns. "Okay. What am I missing?"

"Two people go in. Three people come out. I checked all the footage-- not a single person enters that building before the technician the entire day. So, where does that something-really-big-and-really-fast come from?"

My eyes widened in shock. "There's another way in."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

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