New movie

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You were just casted in a new Netflix movie. Today was the first day of filming. You didn't get to know your cast mates yet so you were a little excited. The filming location was in Italy for some reasons. When you got that information you already knew this wouldn't go well. You're so scared of flying and now also to Italy. Whatever happens it would be too late to change it anyway.

You've already packed your stuff and drove to the airport. As you walked in, your heart started racing already. Through the check in, you were sweating nonstop. After a few hours of waiting, the plane was ready to board. Now you were really scared. As you got into the plane, you looked for your seat. It was a place at the window, next to a girl who's face you couldn't see. She got up so you could sit down. A few minutes passed and even though the plane didn't start yet, you were sweating as hell again. The girl next to you suddenly tapped your shoulder as you turned to her. "Hey uhh, are you alright? You look a little nervous.", she asked you. You couldn't believe your eyes as you realised you're sitting next to Jenna. THE Jenna Ortega. "Yes i mean no. I am scared of flying but i've just got casted into a new Netflix movie in Italy and-", was all that you could say before she interrupted you and said: "Really? Me too! I guess we're both going to be in that movie!" You smiled at her and you both talked for a while. Suddenly you feel the plane shaking a bit, which means it's starting. An announcement appears. "Ladies and gentleman, our plane is starting now! Please put your seatbelts on and have an enjoyable flight!" You immediately put on your seatbelt and hold onto your seat. The plane starts taking off and you're breathing very uneven and scared. As Jenna notices that, she puts her hand on yours. Your eyes are closed but your breathing slowly becomes normal again. Many hours passed and Jenna's hand is still holding yours.
The whole flight both, Jenna and you, were holding hands. None of you thought about even move a little bit.

Finally the plane landed. Jenna gave you her number and said she'd call you later so you both could go to the filming set. You were so excited to make a movie with her. You've had a crush on her since forever. You were on your way to your apartment, thinking about jenna. A few hours later, she called you. "Hey y/n! Are you ready?", you heard her sweet voice asking you. "Always!", you answer. "Alright i'm standing outside!", she said and with that she ended the call. You ran to the door and quickly put your jacket on. You were kinda excited. As you opened the door, you saw her standing there, looking gorgeous as always. "Hey! Wow you look really good!", she said with a cute smile on her face. You felt butterflies in your stomach but tried to answer as fast as you could. "Hi! Thank you, you look absolutely gorgeous"
You talked very much on the way to the set. As you arrived, everyone introduced themselves. You liked everyone. The producer told everyone what the movie was about and everyones roles. "...Jenna you play Emily rose and y/n you play bella white (just random names). Oh and btw you both are a couple!", the director said. Jenna and i looked at each other for a moment and i instantly blushed.

A few weeks of filming were over now and you had really much fun with the cast. Y'all already became so close in such a short time. "So the next scene will be Emily and bella confessing their feelings for each other and their first kiss.", the director said. You went to the changing room and realised what he had just said. You also realised that you will kiss Jenna Ortega in a few minutes. Calm down y/n, it's just a movie, just a stupid kiss. "Y/n are you ready?", the director came in and asked you. "Yes sure just one minute!", you answered as he left. Now you knew there was no other way. You quickly put on some lip balm and went outside. When the director gave the signal, you started talking "Emily, i've wanted to tell you this for a long time" at this point, you're lines really described your feelings for Jenna "i- i really like you Emily. I've liked you since the day we've met and i can't get you out of my head." After a few seconds instantly looking at each other, she finally kissed you. Her soft lips pressed onto yours and her hands got up to your cheeks...

Jenna Ortega x (fem) reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now