Episode 1: A New Pokemon Trainer

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"Hay there! It's me, Professor Juniper. Nate, I'm going send Miss Bianca to Aspertia City so she can entrust you with a special Pokémon named Charmander. I'm sure you will be great partners! The moment you take your 1st step on your journey, your story will truly begin. During your journey, you will meet many Pokémon and people with different personalities and points of view. I really hope you learn what is important to you as a result of your travels... That's right! Befriend new people and Pokémon and grow as a person! That's the most important goal of your journey! And make sure to save yourself from Teem Plasma...ma...ma...a...a...a..."

Nate was there in his room watching the recording that Professor Juniper left last night as he was getting ready. Nate: Well it was about time I go. Nate's Mom: Wait... Nate: Oh, hay Mom. Nate's Mom, Joy, hugs Nate as he was about to go to meet Miss Bianca and go out on his Pokemon Journey. Joy: You know I am going to miss you. She is saying this while getting teary-eyed, you can't tell Joy how far Nate was going to go on his Journey because that would just break her even more. Nate: I know you are going to miss me, I just can't find a place as an actor anymore. Joy: You have to come by sometimes. Nate: You know I will Mom, I still love you as your kid. Joy: And I love you as my Kid. She hugs Nate and gives him the New Transceiver Model. Joy: And also make sure to call me with this every day. Nate: You can count on me to do that. Nate left to go to meet Miss Bianca and go out on his Pokemon Journey.  

Nate was now on his way to meet Miss Bianca. Nate: I wonder why they are giving me a Charmander. As Nate was in his own thoughts he bumped into someone and that someone was his best-friend Hugh. Hugh: HAY WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING.....Oh, hay Nate. Nate: Hay Hugh, Sorry that I bumped into you, my mind was just wandering. Hugh: Let me guess, you are thinking about that famous Idol that you crush on named Yancy. Nate: WHAT NO, I was thinking over that fact why was I getting a Charmander and not the normal Unova Starters? Hugh: Well sucks for you I did get the normal Unova Starters. Nate: You did, who? Hugh took out his Pokeball. Hugh: COME OUT NOW, TEPIG. Out the Hugh's Pokeball came out Tepig a Fire-type Pokemon. Nate: Oh my God, he is so cool. Hugh: Ya and when you get your Charmander your 1st battle better be with me, ya got it. Nate: Ya, got ya. BTW where is Miss Bianca? Hugh: She is just hanging out at the top of Outlook. Nate: Thank you man, see you later. 

After Nate departed from Hugh, not for the last time, he came to the top of Outlook to see Miss Bianca. Bianca: Oh Aspertia City, is it not amazing, hay you there don't you agree? Nate: Umm... Hay Miss Bianca. Bianca: OH NATE, I did not see you there, so how are you? Nate: Can we not jump to that main thing? Bianca: Oh ya, Ok Charmander you can come out now. Behind Bianca's legs was a Male Charmander a Fire-type Pokemon and after he look at Nate he got out of his shy tone and happily went to hug Nate on the legs. Nate: Huh... Nate was taken off guard by the Charmander. Bianca: The reason why that  Charmander is so happy to see you it's because he likes a Film that you are in. Nate: Oh is that so? Nate looked at the Charmander. Nate: So are you ready to go on our Pokemon journey with me? Charmander nodded saying yes. Bianca: Nate before you go take this a Pokedex and Charmander's Pokeball.

Nate: What's up with Charmander's Pokeball? Bianca: That remains a mystery for me, when I asked Professor Juniper about it she just dogged the question, so what I recommend is that you pay no mind to it and when other people ask about the Pokeball...

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Nate: What's up with Charmander's Pokeball? Bianca: That remains a mystery for me, when I asked Professor Juniper about it she just dogged the question, so what I recommend is that you pay no mind to it and when other people ask about the Pokeball just say that it's custom-made. Nate: Ok I got that, well see you later Miss Bianca and Charmander return. Charmander got back into his Pokeball. Bianca: Bye Nate, hope we meet again soon. As Nate left he bumped into Hugh. Hugh: So, did you get your Charmander? Nate: You know I did. Hugh: Cool then let's battle.

As the Battle started Nate sent out his Charmander as Hugh sent out his Tepig. Nate ok Charmander, use Scratch. Charmander ran up to Tepig and used Scratch on it giving great damage then came back to its side of the battlefield. Hugh: Hay, are you ok? Tepig got up showing the fact that he was just fine. Hugh: Then smash him with a Tackle. Tepig ran and slammed his body on Charmander using the move Tackle, it knocked the wind out of Charmander and did greater damage than what Charmander did to him. Nate: CHARMANDER NO. With a fit of rage Nates and Charmander started to have a Red Burst of Aura. Nate: CHARMANDER USE EMBER...... Charmander Blasted Tepig with a Powerful Ember taking it out and ending the battle with Nate as the winner. Nate: Charmander, Return. Charmander Returned to his Pokeball as the Red Aura on both of them went away. Hugh: Tepig, come back to your Pokeball. The injured Tepig Returned to his Pokeball. Hugh: What was that? Nate: What was what? Hugh: The Red Burst of Aura, you know what forget it, I lost and you won. Nate: Ya, looks like. Hugh: But the next time we battle I will win. Nate: And I will be ready to take you down. Hugh: Well before we leave, we have to go to the Pokemon Center to heal up our Pokemon. 

After Healing their Pokemon in the Pokemon Center and grabbing some healing Items and Pokeballs, Nate took his 1st step into the gateway of route 19 starting his own Pokemon Journey. What Pokemon will he get, what new friends will he make, what challenges will he be faced with, and how will his Pokemon Journey end? Find that out next time. ON POKEMON TRAINER BURST.


A/N: Hay guys, my name is Ayan and I am a Pakistani who lives in France. So did you guys love Episode 1, if so can you tell me why you guys loved it? And If you did not like Episode 1, can you tell me why you guys did not like it?

And make sure to vote and recommend this Book to People who love Pokemon Fanfiction and Gen5. So that's all I have to say and see you guys next time on Pokemon TRAINER BURST.

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