Chapter [1] We meet again

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Help I keep starting over, this is my 3rd attempt already 😭 combined I've got 3700 words worth of attempts trying to not trow it away cuz I wasn't sadisfied 😭
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'Speaking' [letter] < thinking >
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3rd person

It shouldve been a normal day for Tighnari in Gandharve Ville yet they got an unexpected guest.

Tighnari pov

I was doing my usual work when a forest watcher told me that there was an emergency. 'Huh, whats the situation?' I asked 'eh yea ehm we found General Mahamatra passed out of the main route to Gandharve Ville' they answered nervously scratching their neck. < what- > my face was pure chock 'where is he?' I asked 'he's over there , follow me' they answered, i follow them to Cyno. I ran to his body and checked if he was still breathing. 'Thank god' i wisper. I picked him up bridal style and carried him to my house. I lowered my ears to cancel out the noice of people gossiping about the situation < I mean you don't find General Mahamatra passed out everyday, I can't blame them >. I shrug my thoughts away as I arrive at the front of my house ,I quickly enter and go upstairs to put him on the guest bedroom bed. 'You're quite heavy Cyno' I say under my breath. I take off his coat revealing his wounded body, he was under the scars and cuts that where still open and untreated. I gasped in shock 'no wonder you passed out oh god!..' I say lightly screaming. I noticed something that was off about his outfit 'he never wears pant yet here he is with some one..' 'could it be..' I quickly remove his pants revealing even more cuts and blood. I was in pure shock and worry. 'Oh archons!' His condition was very bad, I quickly get up and go get the needed supplies to treat all the cuts and wounds I rush back and began treating every little cut and wound. A little tear formed in my eye. He was in an extremely bad condition and I was worrying myself sick. 'Sigh' 'why can't you take some better care of yourself' as I put a hand on my face 'and stop pushing yourself to your absolute limit..' I say in a worried tone yet disappointed. I took a while but I finished treating everything. I went to get some medicine that might help with his recovery. I went back and put them on the nightstand. I even tho I acted like I didn't care much about him I couldn't hold back anymore. I hated seeing him like this .. i truthly cared so much about him. Tears started forming the more as I looked at his strong yet weak body. I became angry at him ,why does he care so little about himself. I sat down on the floor next to the bed as more tears started rolling over my cheek. I holded his hand as even more tears started to form. < why am I crying so much.. > I put my head on the bed while my body leaned against the bed. Here I sat crying.. My toughts became a mess, why did I cry so much over him? I'm never this emotional.. I was so confused. After a while my toughts where pure choas. My eyes began getting heavy as I slowly fell asleep.

Collei pov
I was doing my usual stuff when I hear something about General Mahamatra being found death out right outside Gandharve Ville?? < what! > 'wait what do you mean death??' I went to investigate luckily it was all an misunderstanding. I felt a bit reliefed about him just have passed out. It's ofc still bad but better then death. It seems as Master Tighnari had already taken care of the situation.

- evening -
I was done with all my duties as I headed home. < if I think about it ,I haven't seen Master Tighnari since we found General Mahamatra . He's probably still taking care of General Mahamatra > i shrug to myself. I enter my house as I head upstairs to the guest room. < I'll check up on General Mahamatra and Master if I'm here anyways > as I enter the room I saw that the two where already sleeping. I gashed as I saw the General Mahamatra. His body was in horrible condition. He had cuts and wounds all over his body. Luckily they where already treated. His clothing weren't the most fitting for the temperatures ether. I also saw Master Tighnari next to him and the bed, his hair was quite a mess. It's a rare sight to see I must say. I went to get a blanket. I layed it over General Mahamatra and then headed downstairs. I made myself some diner and went to sleep.

- morning -
I woke up with sunshine on my face. < urgg I don't want to get out of bedd > after a while I finally got out and got dressed. I headed to the living room < hm seems that Master and General Mahamatra aren't awake yet, guess I'll make breakfast today > I cooked my favorite Pita Pockets ! But my own version ofc, I giggled at myself. I fished cooking and putted them on plates. I took 2 plates for Master and General Mahamatra and headed upstairs. As I walk in they both look at me 'Oh your both awake, I made you to some breakfast!' I said giving them a smile 'Thank you do much Collei I appreciate it' Tighnari answered as he took the 2 plates. I noticed that Master Tighnari didn't look so good.. < hm he was probably worried about General Mahamatra > < I'll give them some space now > then I walked out of the room to the kitchen, grabbed my own plate and began munching on it.

Cyno Pov
< Urg what happened > I thought as my eyes slowly opened. Then it hit me as I remember everything that happened. Then the pain hitter after that < my body hurts.. where am I even? > u looked around trying to recognize my surroundings. Then I saw Tighnari at the side of the bed. His hair was a mess , I couldn't see his face. I noticed he was.. holding my hand? I felt my face heat lightly up? I was confused by this ,there was no sun shining on my face or just anything heating up my face yet I felt it heat up lightly.. that's weird. I tried moving but I hurt to much 'arg' I groaned < god I hate making these noises , it makes me seem weak .. > I tried again pushing trough the pain more this time 'arg' 'Urg' I groaned again. It seems that my movement woke up Tighnari. He groaned as he lifted up his head and began standing up. I could see his face from the side now, he didn't look so good , his eyes where red ,puffy and had bangs under them. His hair was yet again messy. 'Cyno..' he said in a calm ,sleepy voice 'yes?' I answered back, my voice was very quiet. It seems that he finally snapped into reality as he sprong up and shouted 'Cyno your awake!' He looked so tired and worried, it was not fun to see him in this state. 'God your worried me sick' he said under his breath. I didn't know what to say or answer I just stared in his lime green eyes.. yet again my face heated up lightly. Why keeps this happening?Tighnari shook his head and removed the blanket that was covering me. 'Cyno your under the cuts and brouces! Why didn't you take care of them! You are extremely luckily nothing got severely infected after you traveled trough the forest with them open and bleeding!' He said loudly his tone was angry yet worried. I looked down ,'I didn't know what to do' I answer. He sighed and sat down next to me again. 'Please just take care of your cuts and wound after an battle' he said. I could hear him say 'I can't lose you' under his breath quietly. I didn't respond to again. After some time I broke the akward silence 'I'll try' I said 'I'm just not good at treating wounds' I said quietly after that. He sighed again as he got a pill for the medicine bottle that was on the nightstand. 'Here take one. It's an painkiller , I don't want you suffering in pain' he said as he handed my a pill. I took them and swolled it. Suddenly someone else walked into the room, it was Collei. 'Oh your both awake, I made you to some breakfast!' she said giving us a warm smile. 'Thank you do much Collei I appreciate it' Tighnari answered her as he took the 2 plates with food she was holding. Collei left the room as Tighnari walked to me and handed me a plate of food. I took it and examined the food. It where Pita Pockets yet they looked different that the traditional ones. < maybe it's Collei own version of Pita Pockets? > nonetheless I began eating. Tighnari sat on the ground and began eating. We both finished after a while and Tighnari put the dishes on the nightstand. 'Do you think you can stand?' up he asked 'I honestly don't know' I answer him. I tried standing up but my legs failed me as I fell down 'arg!' I groan loudly < why can't I push trough anymore > I thought annoyed at myself. Tighnari catched me a bit 'seems like you will need more rest before you can stand again' he said as he put me into the bed again. I groan out of pain in the process. I sigh mentally < this is going to be a long day >. I expected for Tighnari to leave but he stayed in the room. 'Well since you have to stay in bed I'll accompany you' he says walking the the desk that is at the other side of the room, he sits on the chair 'so what should we catch up on?' He said. The rest of the day was us talking, me making jokes wich Tighnari said they where horrible < I don't believe him my jokes are gold > and generally us catching up on what we had missed.

Imma just end the chapter here
If u have tips for me I would appreciate it :)

Words: 1732

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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