Ask 16 - to: Heatwave

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Reply to tfawheeljack


Heatwave: No way! I have a brother!? There is no way! I don't believe it!


Asked by DragonsGirl572


Blurr: No we did not

Heatwave: Just accept it!

Blurr: Ughh...F-Fine, yes...we did

Heatwave: Anyways, in two and a half weeks, the sparking will be born!

Blurr: And you are going to be Dead before that

Heatwave: I have the whole team on my side

Blurr: Omg they are ditching me because you are sparked, probably should get sparked myself *sniff sniff*

Heatwave: Sure why not, just invite me to enjoy the sounds

Blurr: *realizes what he just said* wait- I DON'T WANT A SPARKLING!

Gender reveal will probably take place in a few days or after New Year, not sure when. The sparkling will be born a few days after the gender reveal.

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