~•♡[ 3 ]♡•~

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A new acquaintance


"W-Where am I!? "

The (h/c) haired girl asked confused.

"EEEHHHH!?!? YOU DON'T KNOW TOO!? hmph, now Paimon have to guide 2 person!! Well whatever, come on! Follow Paimon! "

The floating creature has now fly away from the two.

"What's your name? "

"I-I'm..... Y/n! I think... "

You had mumbled those last two words in order to not confuse the traveller. Although, he did hear what you said but decided to shrug it off.

The boy glance at the girl who is still sitting on the sand. He smiled and offer her a hand. The girl was hesitant at first, but decided to trust the said "Aether" and take his hand. The both of them then follow the floating fairy together.

A blob of water-like slime suddenly appeared beside y/n. Y/n unsheathed her sword to attack it but Aether had already beaten her on it. She was amazed at the blonde's skill.


After Aether had beaten the slime, the floating creature, Paimon, has called the both of them to catch up with her faster. After arriving in front of Paimon, the both of them saw a....pole?It lookes weird and it has some red glow coming from under it.

"Umm, Paimon is it? What is... this thing? "

Y/n said while pointing at the pole Paimon is floating beside.

"It's a teleport waypoint!! Now, Aether. Touch it!! "

Paimon said to the traveller. Following the fairy's order, he decided to touch it. The said pole now is elevating and the red glow from earlier had disappeared ,instead it was replaced with a blue glow.

"Now, let's continue our journey!! "

While the fairy was far ahead, Aether decided to start a conversation with the girl.

"So, where did you come from? And why were you stranded at the beach earlier? "

"Oh! Well, I don't remember where I'm from and why I'm here but I think I had a dream! "

"What's the dream about? "

"It's about! -"

"About?.. "

"I... don't remember anymore... "

"Hey, Looks like we have to climb in order to continue our path! "

A squeaky voice said right after the both of you appear in front of a dead path.

"Hmm, I see. Well, shall we go then, y/n? "


"Y/n? "


Word count: ‹[ 384 words ]›

A/n : My wattpad was not working properly during the process of writing this☹️I really wanted to write a longer chapter but it kept crashing 😭😭

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