part 4

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"No, listen Brett, I can explain," Reagan rushed into the living room as I packed my stuff up.
"You lied to me, Reagan! You said to my face 'your secret is safe with me'. Fucking liar! You said you wouldn't tell anyone. But hey. Look what you did. You told Gigi out of all people," I threw a paper plate on the ground. This is why I can't trust anyone.
"No, Brett-"
"I don't care Reagan. I can't believe you would just... lie to me like that. I thought you were my BFF. YOU told me BFFs aren't supposed to lie to each other. What a contradicting statement," I gathered my stuff off the ground, "goodbye."
I stormed out of the house, holding tears in. Why would she just lie to me like that? I bit the inside of my cheek, moving somberly in the empty street. What am I even supposed to do now? I know damn well Gigi's gonna tell someone, and it's going to spread like wildfire. I wiped the tears falling from my eyes. I can't just convince people that Reagan was lying...or can I? I could just... say that Reagan was making it all up. And  I would still have a good reputation. Right?


The next day at work, it was like Reagan and I didn't recognize each other. We didn't talk. We didn't make eye contact. We sat far away from each other. Friends to strangers, all because of one lie. I bet she'll come back to me though. BFFs need other BFFs. I think.


I rushed out of that meeting as soon as I could. Being in the same room as Reagan was really pressuring. Terrified that she would give me a dirty look. Say something about me. But she didn't. I thought, after such a oh so stressful day I would get a drink. I deserve it, right?
I walked in, and took a seat. I was just going to get my usual. Drink it, maybe drink a few more, get wasted if I really wanted to, and leave. I haven't gotten drunk in quite a while. It would be nice to just let everything all go for a little. Get a hangover in the morning. Maybe not even go to work. That would be ideal.
"Hello and welcome to- Brett?"
"Hmm? Oh, Henry, hey man," it's not very ideal to see your work-crush when you're thinking about getting wasted till you can't walk, but whatever.
"What are you doing here?" Henry placed his notepad down and leaned on my empty table a little.
"There's a lot going on and I just want to get drunk if I'm honest," I gave him a weak smile.
"Yikes. Do you wanna talk about it? We could get drunk together," he smiled back. I felt myself blushing a bit. Fuck. The situation has to do with him. I didn't want to talk about it, if I'm honest, but I just wanted to talk to him. Get to know him more. So, "sure" was my answer.
He sat down with his drink and slid mine across the table. I grabbed it before it could fall off the table and spill.
"So, tell me all about it."
"Fuck, I don't know where to start, man.." I rubbed my eye and took a small sip of my drink. It hurt when it touched my tongue. My whole body hurt.
"Start..where it starts," Henry shrugged, taking a large sip out of his.
"Well, um..." I paused, thinking, "well to start I think I should tell you this." I took a deep breath. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. "I'm gay, Henry, at least I think I am. I'm kind of.. questioning it... I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure I am."
He nodded, "that's alright man. So what happened? Is it something... with you being gay?"
"Pretty much yeah. The first person I came out to was Reagan. She promised me she wouldn't tell anyone about it. I also told her that I.." Fuck. "I have a crush on someone who works here."
"Ooh, who?" Henry leaned in, like he was expecting me to tell him.
"I don't really wanna tell you right now."
He leaned back, disappointment taking over his face, "alright..continue."
"Anyway.. um, yeah, she said she wasn't gonna tell anyone. I went to her house, we talked about this guy, and then I started doubting myself. I was kinda like... 'I'm lying to myself'. And it was really overwhelming. I ended up having a panic attack and passing out and when I woke up Reagan was calling someone. Again, she promised she wouldn't tell anyone. But she fucking lied. She ended up telling this girl in our little work gang Gigi all about it. And Gigi spreads shit like this like wildfire."
"Shit, dude... did you talk to Reagan?"
"I was too pissed off," I chugged my drink, finishing it in a flash. I could already feel myself getting drunk. My tongue was in pain though. Like the drink burned my tastebuds. It hurt like hell. But I didn't do anything about it. I just got another drink, and chugged it.
"I don't really know what to tell you, Brett. I'm not the best at comforting," Henry continued after getting another drink for us. I rubbed my eyes.
"At least I told someone."
And then we sat in silence. We drank. Henry got up multiple times to get us new drinks. We both got more and more wasted until we walked out of the bar laughing with our hands on each other's shoulders. I could barely walk. We had to pick each other up multiple times, but we were laughing our asses off the whole time. It was...amazing.
"Hey you wanna go back to my place... we can just...hang out, y'know..." Henry stumbled on his words, alcohol mixed with his minty breath.
"Yeah..." I laughed through each syllable. We were both drunk like we've never drank before. Baby's first time with alcohol.
"Fuck you think...we should get a taxi?"
"I'm not driving like this.." We both laughed. Suddenly we were in said taxi, laughing like we were all alone, making the worst jokes possible, looking like hell. But we were happy. And all the sudden, again, we were in his apartment.
"This.. this is the place," he pointed around the small room, proud of every small detail. The ripped paint from the walls. Posters from shows aired in the 2000s hanging on the walls. He was proud of it all.
"Woowwww... you got quite a nice place," I smiled, wiping drool from my chin.
"And I got a nice bed," he laughed at himself, flopping down on the bed and sinking into it. And I did the same thing. I followed in his footsteps, falling into his bed and letting the mattress consume me. His bed was nice and soft. A warm blanket covering the bed.
"It is pretty nice," I mumbled, staring at him. I could barely keep my eyes open. Like I was about to pass out on his bed right then and there. He turned his head to face me. I kind of felt my heart drop in that very moment. My little realization of how in love I was with him. His perfect face. All the symmetry correct. Absolutely drop-dead gorgeous eyes. I feel alive staring at him. Being with him. I was so close to him. Feeling his breath hit my face. I flushed staring at him. He was beautiful. He was so pretty. I didn't know what to say or do. I just couldn't stop staring at him. He was perfect in every way.
If I'm honest... I want to explore him.
"Have you ever been kissed before?"
"Oh, really?"
"Yup. that Gigi girl actually. And a couple other times. Why'd you ask?"
"...Brett. I'm so fucking drunk right now."
"I know... I am too..."
"You don't understand what I want to do right now."

'What' was the final thing that left my mouth until I was silenced. Something soft touched my lips.
It was his.
Holy fuck.

I pulled away, knowing he was probably only doing this because he was drunk. He probably doesn't even like me, but I couldn't resist. I went back in. He was an amazing kisser. Running his fingers through my hair. Turning his head around a little. Touching my jaw. Took little breaths and went back to kissing me.
It only took four chapters for this to happen. Record time, am I right?
We kissed for a while. Tossing around his bed. Pulling away for split seconds to stare at each other. I threw my arms to random places on his body and he dug into my back. Our hair was messed up. His taste like a stain in my mouth. And we pulled away for good.
"Henry..fuck.." I lightly whimpered to him. I just knew that sparked something in him because the second I mumbled that to him he sat up. He started unbuttoning his shirt, and after a second said
"What else do we have to lose? Let's do this."

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