𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖮5

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warnings : foul language . . .

一 • 🥮 • 一

The sticky feeling of blood on her hands, as well as the rotting scent of guts and infection haunted the air. An unsettling sensation tickled her back, ghosting her neck with great pleasure. Strong gusts of wind blew her hair to the side, flowing freely in the wind.

Holding the glass of grape juice on her palm, she watched the maroon liquid swirl around loosely, tinting the cup for a second, before sloshing back the the bottom. She gripped the base tighter, watching the color drain from her hands.

Oddly enough, she was reminded of the looks of her victims' faces. The glance down at the knife lodged into their chests always seemed to phase them, blood curdling screams painting the walls a permanent raven black.

Denji stared at the woman, watching her lose herself in thought. The dark circles under her eyes, the strained look she had etched upon herself, displayed the horrors she took on, but for the better. The benevolence she held was unmatched, although unseen.

After hearing her reasoning for her sinful acts, a pang of pity rang in Denji's heart. The throbbing sensation shook him.

From her poor explanation, Y/N tortured people daily to regain her sleep. The more pain the victim felt, the more restful she felt. Not like she was very energetic anyway, but it aided her in the desperation to look like a hyperactive maniac.

The repetitive sound of a pen swiping across the paper ghosted the room. Denji tapped his leg, glancing from the ceiling to the floor. He was bored to death, watching the other three in the room. Aki huffed, giving the blond boy the cold side eye.

"Alright, time to go." Y/N called, dragging them out of their daze. "I just had to change into new clothes, and fix some documents."

Denji nodded, yawning loudly. He covered his mouth with his palm, slowly following the girl out the door. Aki trailed cautiously, still wary of the hunter. Though he had not seen anything, he could hear the screams of the victim ring in his ears.

The two devils followed in pursuit, catching up to the female in front, watching themselves seep in the handcuffs on hands, sealing their presence. Aki frowned at the grin they gave him, gripping the edges of the suit tighter.

"We have to head to a scene. Then, we'll head back to office, 'cause there's a new member joining us." Y/N listed off, tossing the wine glass away. She stared at the glass shatter, and hit the concrete with a satisfying crash. The red liquid trailed out of it, painting the sidewalk a glorious velvet.

As the three walked down streets, Denji could only fix eyes on the handcuffs on Y/N's wrists, mesmerized as they jingled with every step she took. The back round and noises seemed to warp and blur into a haze of colors.

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