১০.‌ christian love

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Good and evil walk together.


Whether it was the goddess or her handsome creation behind it, Maya was pulled towards the temple whenever time was free. And along with that swum a subtle wish to dig deeper– how was the temple connected to the murder?

She had been pacing around and admiring in silence the shrines and statues when a little tap on her shoulder alerted her.

"Here again?" a familiar voice asked.

Of course, she didn't feel welcome.

"Yes, again. I love being here," she replied tartly.

Shekhar tugged at his braid in a perplexed manner. "I wonder how one can love this place despite the macabre string of murders which cling to it. We priests are bound to come here for Mother, but you aren't."

His fingertips grazed the side of her neck. The sordid action made her flinch. He immediately retreated his hand.

"You come here for someone else, don't you?" he asked.

"Whatever be the reason for my visits it doesn't concern you, Shekhar," Maya scoffed.

Shekhar's lips curved in amusement. "Libellous stories paint your head priest in a negative light. I pray you will be able to save him. After all, this is what fairytales constitute of," he remarked with a sly smile and walked away.

Maya took a deep breath. Easy, easy. Shekhar knows that I suspect him but the way he is reacting is making me more dubious. Isn't he afraid of being caught? What power is behind him that he walks with such confidence?

Maya went and sat near the stairs of the temple, resting her face upon her palms.

I don't have any proof regarding Shekhar. But yes, he accepted that the murders are related to the temple. It's a good clue. And he knows about my softness for Hrishav.

Manas hurried past her, only to stop suddenly at the bottom of the stairs and turn around. "What are you doing here? The temple isn't a club to revel. You can't come here whenever you want."

"The door to the Mother is always open for her children. I can and I will come here whenever I desire."

Manas cursed her and trudged towards the kitchen. Maya let out an exasperated sniff.

"They think me to be a fool, huh!" she spat. I don't understand why the police don't do anything. Oh well, maybe strange things happened to them, as Aadi Babu had said. But why? Why does nobody question why and just blame the unseen and unknown for everything?

Maya tapped her feet in agitation and bit her nails. No, there is someone or something more behind this unseen and unknown. After all they need a puppet to showcase power.

"And oh! We have a guest."

Hrishav carried the thali of bhog and Manas followed him with a chalice of water. Maya got up and cleared the way for the two.

"Just a minute, I need to make her eat on time," Hrishav said.

The warmth in his words was contagious enough to make Maya smile. How much he cared for the Mother, she thought, and then how much would he care for a human?

Maya stood outside the garbha griha as it was bolted by a frowning Manas. She didn't mind him at all now, his presence was as unimportant as that of a mere fly.

And she waited. She could hear the jingling of bells, certain mantras being chanted and then complete silence. The two men came out. Manas left the two alone, murmuring something incoherent under his breath.

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