Cast of Characters page

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Disclaimer: The author of this work does not condone/endorse the messages, themes, and concepts presented by South Park. Considering how said work is melodramatic gay fanfiction written in theatrical script format of all things, I'm sure this seems reasonable to assume. However, it's astonishing how many times I've stumbled upon people in this fandom who are wholehearted believers of almost everything the show says, and, quite frankly, I would rather evaporate from this plane of existence than potentially be presumed as a bigot or, god forbid, a centrist.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!


KENNY, a young teenage boy with a slightly scrawny build. Wears an orange parka in most scenes. Has a visible pocket somewhere on his person. Speaks in a way that implies to the audience that he sucks at having genuine and/or semi-serious prolonged conversation with anyone, even close friends.

MARGARINE, the girl in the wallpaper. Speaks in a Victorian-era southern accent. Is constantly moving. Rarely lifts any parts of her body off the wall, usually sliding them around instead. Dresses noticeably childishly with mildly expensive clothes, one of which is a frilly bluish-teal shirt.

KYLE, a young teenage boy. Does not wear anything on his head or face.

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