Scene 1: But I must not think about that. This paper if it KNEW...

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SETTING: A Victorian-style nursery during the daytime with a twin bed. It's plain and barren, yet livable, though certainly not considered suitable for a baby by modern-day standards. The furniture looks like it's been hastily rearranged and sanded down recently in a vain attempt at accident-proofing the room. Optionally, the room has a single tiny window covered by metal bars. A crib sits right at the edge of stage left, the smaller side facing the audience. Having a working physical door or even a door frame is preferred; however, it can also be portrayed by actors exiting and entering offstage. The room is covered in slowly peeling wallpaper that's possibly molding, preferably with a swirly, repeating pattern all over it. It's a gross, faded shade of yellow.

MARGARINE hunches over in the crib. KENNY sits cross-legged while staring towards upstage, chin resting on top of his hands while swaying almost undetectably. KYLE is neatly folding clothes Kenny haphazardly shoved into his suitcase. The only other packed item is a bottle of prescription pills the audience can clearly see. It's quiet for a bit until Kenny pipes up in a soft voice, almost sounding shy.


...You don't...have to, like...stay, you know. I won't make you-


Kenny, for the fifth time, you are not weaseling your way out of this one, bud.


(Slightly offended and flustered)

Oh my god, why do you always think I'm gonna-

(Pausing for a beat before giving up)

...some butler, you are. Badmouthing me and not folding my stuff long have we been here?


Well, you've been here a week, and I've got here...I wanna say...Wednesday?



A...You said a week?


Think so.


...That doesn't sound right.

(Slapping his thighs before getting up to stand over Kyle, hands now on his hips)

Whelp! Point is, your customer service is super and there's still no mint on my pillow! I have half a mind to call corporate and have your license revoked.

(Leaning over to shove his face in front of Kyle's)

What do you say to that, smart guy?



(Shoves Kenny's face away with the palm of his hand playfully)

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