Captain's Encounter

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~ N/ A 's POV ~
It was a certain sunny day, it's been two days since the young raven haired boy with a certain strawhat set sail onwards becoming a pirate even further The king of the pirates.

Now the first thing on the list was to find a crew ,of course he began searching for the first mate of the crew

As he had landed on an insland nearby , he had an encounter with a female pirate or her crew her name was alvida , she seemed rude and selfish not to mention she was quite the glutton .

After picking a fight with her , the raven haired boy named luffy had won no surprise, he met coby who was in her crew and they instantly became friends .

Coby explained about how he didn't want to join alvidas crew or how he was scared of telling true opinions on her and he was thankful for luffy
to save him .

After sometime of listening to coby's stories or rumours about the place which seemed more like random words to luffy , luffy finally caught his attention on the words
' The Demon of the east' he asked coby about it instantly , shocked by his actions coby explained how people feared this certain pirate hunter and his skills with a sword .
Now luffy was even more interested .

" Coby Take me to this man shishishi "
Luffy smiled his signature grin .

Coby was a bit afraid but later agreed

There they stood near a green haired man who was beaten bad and tied to cross sticks or bars

" Heyy you the man with green hair join my pirate crew ! " Asked luffy

" Hah-? Who are you!? and why would I ever join your crew
I would never reach to a criminals level. All I need is to wait few months and get released from these things . and I need to get my swords as soon as possible " replied the man with a raspy voice

" Shi Shi Shi That's the spirit I like in my first mate! Now how about I set you free and you join my crew " grinned luffy

"What , why would I need your help especially from a pirate! "

" Backoff I don't need your help you idiot let go I can do it myself if you help me get my swords "

" Ok shishishi wait here "
After he got her swords ,coby said they met a small girl she had fed zoro rice balls but they were covered in mud as the bratty son had kicked and stepped on them zoro still chewed them and ate it she told they were good. luffy was confused after explaining it to him he wanted this man on his crew .
After getting the swords he delivered them to the man

"I don't know which sword was yours so I brought all of them with me! which is ours ? "

" All three belong to me I use three sword style now set me free "

" Ah! also you were tricked they are executing you Tomorrow so join my crew and come with me "

After she was set free Zoro instantly grabbed her swords twisted her body landed her combat boots on the marine's face and blocked the marine who was attacking luffy behind his back and knocked him out

" Woah! Sugee! " said luffy , and coby stared wide eyed

" Don't get too cocky now let's finish them first and let me think of your offer later, she grinned ."

~After the fight ~

" Man you know what I have nothing to do with my life anymore I guess I have to accept your offer ye? Captain" she grinned ..

" Shi Shi Shi welcome aboard
I'm monkey . d . luffy and I will be the king of the pirates !" he said out loud with his signature smile

" Nice to meet You captain . im roronoa zoro who's gonna be the world's greatest swordsman , as long as you don't interfere in my dream I will tag Along with ya "

Just as they were headed to the ship, a half wounded marine had came from behind and had sliced open the already torn out shirt of zoro, which he had actually aimed for herneck however his aim was bad because of his low strength, now stood fully exposed zoro .

Every one was shocked ...

" Your a gir- " coby and the marines were cut off by zoro's murderous glare as she pulled up her haramaki up to her shoulder and covered her skin she reached to her swords and sliced the marine causing him to fall .

" do you have a problem?" She replied staring at the both of them in the same murderous glare

"And no one's got to let a word slip about this , ya' got tha'! " She finished

"Ok " said luffy with a serious face which made her happy as he never judged people by gender, gender discrimination was something that got on zoro's nerves . 

"now let's goo" smiled luffy
he just shrugged it off , he was bound to forget it sooner or later anyways .


Later they spent time recovering themselves by eating and sleeping and patching zoro up of course . They got help from the little girl as well

zoro had also gotten some new clothes and haramaki as the old ones were torn ou her clothes were mainly green , black ,white .

Luffy had dropped or mainly forgot the topic of zoro being a woman and had treated her the same he does with everyone . Soon they left to sleep
~  at night time ~

" Ne ne , neeSan ? "  
" Hmmm ? Replied zoro who was the only one awake as luffy and coby were fast asleep after there small celebration .
" Do you think I could see you again ?
Zoro patted her head .
" Sure , I would like to see you again " she smiled .

They both had gotten close , after what had happened and she had gave zoro some dresses as well zoro accepted them with a smile not like she was gonna wear them but ye who cares??

Someone's feelings comes first don't they?

" Arigato nee-San " she smiled as they fell asleep

The next day ~

" So wheres our ship captain ? " Asked zoro curiously

" Look at the right zoro it should be there somewhere ."

" Heh nice ship , she grinned at the ship

" Hmm I said Right, didn't I ? see right"
luffy held her head and turned her to the opposite direction of what zoro was seeing
They see a small ship , no more like boat with no more than space enough for two people

" Oh lord great " zoro mutters

" What was that ?

'' nothing it's a nice ship ''

" Great I knew you would like it " he grinned

As they both laughed and went ,and finally said goodbye to coby and the little girl, luffy had invited him as well but he had refused as he had his own dreams on becoming a marine,

that too an admiral so both luffy and zoro smirked and wished him luck on that and hopefully meet up in the future they also told him they both would love to see how much he had developed in skills too .

There stood coby the girl who seemed to have cried especially to zoro in her arms saying to meet her again,  and the other marine's with a salute they said their goodbyes , the Marine group head announced that saluting to a pirate was against the law so they happily accepted the pushiment too. Laughter was filled at the end of the sunset

~ The first adventure now, begins ~

Xoxo ♡ N/A ♡

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