The Fight At Baratie

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As the straw hats turned their backs to see what caused the loud noise they see that it came from the entrance of the baratie , their stood gin and his captain who were weak and looked like he was about to die ,Then gin spoke up .

" Please , please anyone ?!! Anyone give us food our captain is starving and his life is on line , please I beg of you give us some food."

Whispers spread up on the place, where all the waiters and customers were now afraid of the scene

don kreig who was feared over that region was now in no shape and was about to die

soon sanji lit up his cigarette and let out a puff He walked towards them

" alright wait a few minutes and you should be able to get your food . "

Every stared at sanji

soon one of the waiters spoke up

" sanji what are you doing?! are you slowly becoming a pirate now and helping them are you wanting to reach a criminals level? "

" A chef's job is to feed people who are hungry I don't care whether they are friend or foe. a hungry person begging for food , it's a chef's job to fulfill it . "

He went in the kitchen made some food packed about a months worth of food and came out
He gave them to gin

" Eat up " he smiled

"Thank you so much I will never forget this "

"Good isn't it ?" Sanji smiled

Zoro's heart flutters what was that ? seeing him smile , gave her butterflies in the stomach, it was a warm and fuzzy feeling but she could not guess why- this was happening. . .

The chef's then come out

"sanji what is this? why are you feeding our enemies food?"

Because of all the noise the headchef zeff came out, he asked what was happening and one of the waiters explained

" Eggplant , Why are you feeding them your crappy food you should have called me I would have gave them much better food " he said in a raspy deep voice

" Eh?!! What are you calling crap! old geezer my food is very good and a ten times better thank yours thank you very much! "

" Sir zeff what is this ? Why are you sticking your side with sanji and helping him ?! When he literally fed our enemy ! Pirates are nothing but selfish scumbags who only think of themselves no matter what ! "

" You wouldn't be speaking if you experienced what that eggplant did, you never know the value of food and starving any better than he did "

This caused the strawhats a confused expression

"what did he mean by that?"
Even zoro was curious now.

sanji ignored what they said and went up to gin , then suddenly don kreig sat up and was now looking better than ever.

" HahaHa! fools you should have listened to your pricky waiters and chef's , who would feed their enemy's ? He laughed and shot a punch at sanji .

" Biting the hands which fed you eh?" Sanji replied sarcastically

" Shut up ! Everyone be aware and make sure to ruin this place for good , while I take care of things here "

" alright I'm not holding back " sanji huffs

seeing this now zoro and luffy also joined the fight while nami and ussop ran outside to their ship .

while zoro was busy slicing up the enemies she noticed sanji , she saw how he fought with his slender legs how flexible he was . she thought that he was a simple cook , she would have never guessed him fighting .

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