A Simple Day Or Is It?

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[ Morning - 3:00am ]

Zoro woke up from her sleep , as she saw the time from the little clock chopper had in his room it read 3:00am

basically zoro would sleep at 4am and wake up at 7 but because of her health she had to sleep at 11pm

" it's still early I guess I could shower "

the hot water did wonders on her skin relaxing every muscle in her body , after she finished she got all clothed up  she grabbed her swords kept on the bed making sure Not a fly would sit on them .

" Huh it's already 4:20 ? damn I sure did take my time Usually it would take about only 15 mins to finish getting dressed up but today was quite odd "

she went flopped on the bed slightly hearing the sound of waves as it was still dark outside . She tried falling asleep but failed so she decided to get some sake or booze either was good as long as it was alcohol ,

zoro was really craving alcohol as it had been 2 days that would never satisfy zoro . she needs her daily doze of alcohol

As she made her way to the kitchen ,  it was still dark out side , strange we should've been able to see the sky by now .

" the grand lines weather never ceases to amaze me " she mutters scratching her head

she was a bit jealous of how nami used to handle these stuff  as it was nothing but zoro soon lost the jealously which eventually became pride and gratitude towards her skills.

As she opened the cupboard she found some wine

" Blegh- i don't like this stuff , sake is way better " she scrunched her nose but still took a bottle out

" Beggars can't be choosers I guess " she mumbles

She searched the fridge in hope of finding anything else but found only food

" Arghh- where did this cook keep all the good stuff ?"

" Looking for this ? " said the blondie ina creepy yet pleasant voice you hear in movies or did it just sound like that only to zoro

She glances to see sanji holding some sake

" I taught luffy was sneaking in again so I made sure to check "

" What're you cosplaying as ? scaring the shit of people . Try harder it won't be working on me " she smirks

" Of course , how are you gonna be the words strongest swordsman if tour so scared " he goofily smirks

"  I can cut you and your eyebrows withing seconds , but I don't seem to have my swords at the moment so consider your self lucky "

" HA-!? Me noodle Pfft your's more like grass if there's a flower growing there I'd water it personally" he Smirks imagining the image in his head

" You and your freaky imaginations are mentally ill I say " she replied  grabbing the sake bottles from his hand and as she was leaving from the she stopped

" by the way why did you get up so early cook? It's still 4:20 isn't it you usually wake up at I guess 7 "

" Ye ? It's not 4:20am the last time I checked it was 6:50am , oh DON'T tell me your direction of time is also lagging back? "

" No we both know my math is way better than yours but the clock in choppers room was that way so I thought so and it's still dark outside from some reason . "

" Fine then Ill start the breakfast any ideas ? " He says as he rolls up his sleeve

" Onigiri . I might be able to join you guys today " with that she grinned to herself and left

" Does she really notice the small details of me ? How cute"  sanji smirks

It was a weird fuzzy feeling , some what feeling good .

" Whys my nose itching-? OH SHIt ! "
He immediately runs to the sink to wash off the nosebleed


Every one soon gathered for breakfast in the dining table sanji had finished everything on time

first came luffy storming in chanting the name of meat

Next came ussop and chopper still a little sleepy but now were fully awake from the smell of food

Next came nami ,Robin and brook
Then franky and at last came zoro

" Ah zoro it's good to see you in good health again " nami smiled

" Yohohoho i agree nami san "

" Good to know your good zoro . I gotta say your immune system is really great , a normal human would have needed weeks to regain strength but look at you!" Said chopper enthusiastically eating his pancake

" Choro! I'm glab your obk
( zoro I'm glad your ok ) " luffy mutters stuffing his food with food

Ussop smiled and sanji just stared at zoro

"come on you guys act like I died I'm not until Ive achieved something" said zoro eating her onigiri

" Alright evryone listen up . 
She pauses to eat some food

" basically I guess you all noticed that it's still dark outside , right ? Well that would mean only one thing we are near the dark island or the island were the sun never particularly
rises "

" Ah I remember hearing about this island , it was famous for its fire work shows people enjoy it alot" said ussop munching on pancakes

" Cool ! adventure fun fun!! I wonder how much meat we would find there nami! I can't wait " said luffy with stars in his eyes

" I'm pretty sure I needed some spices,  we do have to restock the food supplies " said sanji

" that's right sanji kun and from what I researched the island itself is not dark . people who live there seem to use modified lights , and are currently planning on preparing an artificial sun , for their island it's gotta be huge sum of money ."

" I'm looking forward to it , If possible I would want to learn  their unique history records "

" Yohohoho I guess me and chopper can go and shop I can accompany
him "

" SUPER I need some stuff for thousand sunny and me I guess I will go with ussop?''

" sorry man I think Im staying on the ship guarding it this time , I don't really have anything to buy so you guys can go ahead "ussop nervously laughs

" it's settled the log pose resets in 5 days so we have plenty of time to explore the island , I'm dividing you all
  ussop guards the ship , Franky's going alone , sanji kun and zoro can go buy the stuff they need and Robin is probably getting books , she can join with brook and chopper that means I will take care of luffy ."

" Oi! Wait a minute . why should I go with swirly eyebrows ! "

" Well he's the only one left out zoro so you and him can go together and I don't want to be lost again so sanji kun will accompany you. " She finished her portion of meal and told in a bit of serious tone glaring at her almost threating her or did it seem like that only to zoro

"Hai NamI sawnnnn , anything for youuu !" Said sanji with heart eyes

" I do have to go to a swordsmith so you better not complain shitty eyebrows " she glares

" Excuse me , i never complain its you who's vanishes before I do marimo  "

" Alright you guys cut it out , we should be there on the island in 20 minutes now and also I forgot to tell but it seems that regular clocks don't work here , they have special ones that use artificial power to generate , I did a research on it as we were going "

" We can buy one then ! " Luffy suggests

" NANI ! You might never visit here again we don't need it . ask the locals if you want to see it so desperately ! waste of money " she mumbles the last words glaring draggers at lufy who's picking his nose .

( that explains the morning incident )
Sanji and zoro think

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