Do I Know You?

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It was a lovely day on the thousand sunny-

" Luffy ! "

Oh there goes the peace.

For some reason their knuckle headed captain always full of danger

no matter where he was danger always surrounded him or he would always be surrounded near danger
[ if that made any sense ]

" Seriously! how many times do you think Franky has to repair the thousand sunny?! it would have never been destroyed , if you had just sat down for once ! " Said nami smacking him on the head

"Ah- sorry nami " luffy said with his smiling dumb struck face , which earns a tick mark on her head

"do you know how much it costs! The last time we repaired sunny it took about three hundred thousand berries ! for just a minor damage . "
she explained glaring at him

" Seriously ! You guys spend every single penny like water . Unlike me who counts every single belli " she emits a dark aura

" Now , navigator San the past should always be considered last . how many minutes is there for us to reach this island ? "

" oh- it should be about 15 minutes until we reach , luffy ussop gather everyone on the deck !" She commanded and they did as she said


the door opened , zoro narrowed her eyes to see luffy ,

" Oh What's up captain you don't come here often ." She questions

" Ah zoro! Come on the deck ,We are landing soon and I called for you but you didn't seem to hear so I came all the way here -!"

" Oh- let's go then" she grabbed her swords

Just as she was about to climb down luffy had grabbed her with his long rubber arms and *crash*
They fell right on the deck

" luffy! " She rubbed her back and smacked him glaring

" Stop doing that . I swear I'm gonna cut you into two one day " rubbed her back again.

"Shishishi " luffy just smiled widely

" Right now that everyone's here we all can stick together and explore this island it's a summer island this time .
And hopefully someone doesn't get lost this time- nami eyed zoro

"Tsk - why are you looking at me I'm not gonna be lost " she said glaring back

" Well let's see marimo " sanji mocked her

" Tsk -" she clicked her tongue and Everyone laughed .


( Time skip )

" Awh! It's been many days since we saw a summer island it's so exciting! " Said franky

" Yohohoho , I hope we find the thing we are here for "

"Huh-? Which thing" asked zoro

" someone just happened to play catch with the log pose when I left it on the table , thinking it's a great idea and ended up breaking it "
She sent glares to luffy

" Hey- ! Why are you all looking at me-? it's not my fault " luffy pouts

( it was very obvious that he was lying )

" That's why we came here , we docked at this nearby island which happened to a summer island." Nami explains

"Right" she nodded and everyone explored the island it was nothing much with only some sand and trees.

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