Prologue: Sonic Origins

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We start off with a view of Big City, one of the greatest cities on earth. Then out of nowhere, two blurs are running around through the city. The red blur was shooting lasers at the blue blur. Soon we get to see a close up of our main protagonist, his name is Sonic the Hedgehog. The Hedgehog was dodging the lasers as best he can since the start of this chase.

'So, I know what you're thinking. "Why is that incredibly handsome hedgehog being chased by a madman with a mustache from the civil war?" Well to be honest, it feels like I've been running my whole life' 'Is this too much? Am I going too fast? It's kind of what I do. You know what.....let's back up'

'Hit it Tilly!'

'My pleasure! Rewinding now. Badabadabadabadabadabadabada'

On another planet, we get a beautiful glimpse of an island, where we see our blue little hedgehog, running around the Green Hills, having fun without a care in the world.

'This is the island where I'm from. It had everything. Sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, public access to loop-de-loops, and I never have to catch a school bus, because I can run across the entire island in less than two seconds.'

'Also there was no school. I know. Pretty sweet island am I right?'

'I was born with Extraordinary powers and I was told to keep them a secret. But like any kid, I did the exact opposite.'

Baby Sonic made it to his hut, where we see a giant owl sleeping peacefully, until Sonic bumps into her and wakes her up alarmed. Sonic uncurls and laughs at how funny her reaction was.

'That's Longclaw, she took care of me. She was basically Obi-Wan Kenobi... if Obi-Wan Kenobi had a beak and ate mice'

"Sonic, someone could have seen you." she said worriedly.

"Pfft. No one saw me. I'm too fast. And I wanted to give you this." Sonic says he pulled out a sunflower from his quills. The owl took the sunflower in her feathers and touched it gingerly.

Then her eyes snapped into focus. She sees something on the branches behind Sonic, pointing their arrows at Sonic.

They were.....Echidnas.

"Get down!" Longclaw shouted and wrapped Sonic in her wings and slammed the door shut. Then a flash of arrows flew through the door and windows and embedded themselves in the hut's weak walls. One of the arrows shot straight through the sunflower.

'Turns out with great power, come great power hungry bad guys. And I let them right to us.'

The echidnas surrounded the hut, thinking they cornered them. But then Longclaw burst through the window, and flew away holding Sonic in her claws. One of the echidnas then spotted them and shot an arrow, which got a direct hit.

"Argh!" Longclaw grunted and crash landed into the forest.

She then got up and carried Sonic onto the ground.

"Listen carefully, Sonic. You have a power unlike anything I've ever seen. And that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe; is to stay hidden." said Longclaw.

She then pulled out a ring from the sack and launched it forward, and it opened up a portal to a different location. It was nighttime there, and it definitely looked like a forest.

"This world is on the far side of the universe. You should be safe there." said Longclaw.

"I don't wanna go without you!" Sonic said sadly, not wanting to leave her.

"You must!" Longclaw demanded as she handed her the sack of rings. "These rings are your most important possession."

Longclaw then looked up and saw the group of echidnas running towards them with weapons in hand. "If you're ever discovered, use one! Never stop running!"


Sonic followed her instructions and ran through the ring. He looked behind him and saw that Longclaw was guarding the ring.

"Longclaw!" Sonic yelled and ran back to save her.

"Goodbye, Sonic," Longclaw said sadly.

"NO!" Sonic yelled as he kept running.

He kept on running and running until he reached the ring portal

But then....


The portal closed. Sonic could not believe what just happened. He is now all alone.

'Aw....That was the saddest thing that has ever happened to you, Sonic'

'Yeah man, sorry to hear that'

'Thanks, Cricket, Tilly.'




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