Chapter 1: Welcome to Big City

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In Big City

We start off in the really early mornings in Big City. We see a police cop waiting at the entrance with a speed gun in hand. This is Officer Keys. He pointed his speed gun on the other side of the road, waiting for a car to speed by.

"What a normal day in Big City. Me waking up at 5 in the morning to make sure there are no speeding cars coming in and out of the city while everyone else is still having a nice satisfying sleep. HOW UNLUCKY FOR ME! HAHAHAHA!" Officer Keys talking to himself while trying to be professional.

He then checked his watch and it seems it's almost about to be 6 am. "Huh. Shifts almost over. Time to pack it up." said Keys.

He started packing up until a blue blur zipped by him, which his speed gun scanned, he looked at the speed and it read 265 mph. He was shocked that something passed him that fast. Then it happened again, this time on the opposite side and this time it went up to 300 mph.

"Huh? Darn thing must be busted," so he turns it off, and goes back to town.

Then a normal turtle trying to walk across the road. The turtle kept on walking until a car drove towards it. The turtle was about to get run over.



It was saved by a familiar blue blur that speeds by. It was none other than Sonic The Hedgehog.

He held up the turtle with his gloved hands and checked if it's okay. "Woah, buddy. You almost got yourself killed out there. What are you? Some kind of adrenaline junkie?" Sonic asked as he was tapping the turtle's head.

"Must be rough being slow all the time." He told the turtle. He then got a brilliant idea to help the turtle.

"Tell you what, today is your lucky day" said Sonic, taking the little turtle for a spin with his speed on the long road to the country.

"WOOHOHO!!, have you ever felt so alive?" he asked as he took the turtle with one of his hands.

"This is great, you're doing amazing!" He praised the turtle for doing a good job. He looked at his hand to see if his turtle friend was doing ok, until he saw that it flew away from his hand.

"Oh geez!" he ran back to look for him and went back on track. "Good recovery little guy!" He said surprisingly.

They make it into a nearby forest and Sonic lets go of the turtle, who is shaken up from the ride. "Lets keep this our little secret ok. You never saw me. I was never here" said Sonic, whispering that last bit and leaving on running.

He speeds his way to his man cave near the city and starts singing with a hair brush, break dancing, and playing with a balloon guitar, while music starts playing on his radio.

'So what were you expecting; a dirty little hedgehog, eating berries and struggling to survive. Think again, because I am living my best life on Earth.'

'I've got a library'

Sonic starts reading comic books at high speed.

'A home gym'

Sonic was working out his running in a washing machine pretending it to be like a treadmill.

'And a state of the art security system'

"Hiya!" Sonic starts playing with some nunchucks and smacks himself with it.

Sonic then decided to play a 1v1 ping pong with himself with his high speeds, that, while being distracted, he knocked the bag of rings he got hanging on the wall.

Sonic The Hedgehog: Big City Greens(Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now