Chapter 2: Sonic SpinBall Baseball

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It was a nice day in Big City. We see Cricket and Tilly hanging out at their house front yard and enjoying their lives.

"Ah. What a nice day to be back in Big City." said Cricket.

"It sure is, brother. It was nice for Papa to let us visit and stay with Gloria for the weekend after moving back to the country." Tilly added.

"You're dang right, dear sister." Cricket replied.

"*Yawn* Morning guys." Gloria walked up to them after waking up.

"Morning, Gloria," both of them said.

"Hope you two are having a great time visiting here." said Gloria.

"We sure are." Both of them replied.

"Great. Well, don't mind me but I gotta work at the cafe. Still gotta up the security for the blue devil donut stealer." Gloria added as he held up equipment for traps such as ropes, nets, bear traps and more.

"Wow. Do you even need bear traps for it?" asked Cricket.


Tilly and Cricket backed up a bit from Gloria. Feeling a little uncomfortable from her freaking out.

"Oh well. Time for me to go. Bye guys."

"Bye, Gloria" Cricket waved goodbye.

"Goodluck with getting the donut stealer." Tilly wished her luck.

Gloria then walked over to her cafe next door while carrying all the heavy equipment. Cricket and Tilly continue hanging out in the yard. That is until Tilly has an idea.

"Hey, Cricket. Since we don't have anything else to do in the yard, how about we go to the baseball field. I heard there was a baseball game going on over there.

"Sounds like a good idea, Tilly! We can grab a couple of drinks of Splish on the way there." said Cricket.

Cricket and Tilly agreed and set off to get the drinks and head off to the field.

20 minutes later

Cricket and Tilly finally reached the baseball field. "We're finally made it! With time to spare!" said Cricket with excitement.

"Well, we could have reached earlier if you didn't have to buy 4 cups of Splish" Tilly said to Cricket.

"Hey! Don't you sass me." Cricket pouted.

Then a whistle was blown and the game started. Cricket and Tilly were cheering on and having a fun time watching. Cricket was drinking his 4th cup of Splish while Tilly was just eating some popcorn.

Meanwhile with Sonic

"Woah, the playoffs!" Said Sonic, after he ran behind a tree and saw people playing baseball. As the pitcher throws the ball to the batter and hits it hard enough that makes it a homerun.

Sonic quickly runs under the bleacher to get a closer look. Sonic looks as the batter is reaching home base and high fives his teammates. He stares in amazement about being great friends and high fiving with someone. He never gets to experience being cheered for or talking to someone getting along with.

After the games

It turned to night and everyone was heading home. Cricket and Tilly were exhausted and made their way back. "Wow, that was the most exciting game I've ever seen. I love the team's friendship bond. It was so sweet to see those kinds of things." Tilly said as she shed a tear, reminiscing about the team's overall bond with one another.

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