Chapter 3: Meet the Hedgehog

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Back at the baseball field, the police force quarantined the whole field the next morning after last night's incident. 

However,  a giant jet black truck drove its way to the field, accompanied by black cars from behind. Everyone turned their heads, watching as the vehicles parked in place.

"What in the world?" Officer Keys, the person in charge of the operation in the field, murmured in confusion.

From the large truck, a series of steps appeared as the door automatically slid open, allowing the person inside the truck to step out of the vehicle.

The man was wearing a large black trench coat, black trousers, black shoes, a perfectly groomed mustache, black gloves and small black glasses.

The man walks straight to Officer Keys before stopping in front of him, taking off his shades revealing his brown eyes.

"Are you the one in charge here?" the man asked Officer Keys.

"Well, yes I a-"

"Nope!" the man rudely cuts Keys off giving him a cold stare.


"But, sir. I'm in-"

"I'm in charge!"

"Me! Officer-"



"I'm in charge."

The agent beside the man took out a device that revealed a red holographic symbol below the screen, showing it in front of Keys.

"You've never seen anything like this before." the man gestured the device with a smug grin on his face. "It says I'm the top banana, in a world full of hungry little monkeys. Allow me to clarify." He said, as he used his index finger, and moved it to the left, making a robotic humming sound coming from his mouth and his eyes facing away from Keys.

"In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on the level of critical importance, the display between us is too vast to quantify. Agent Stone."

"The Doctor thinks you're basic." Agent Stone explained as his boss walked away from the scene.

"Basic? Why I never-" Keys then get cut off again.

"I'm initiating a sweep sequence" The Doctor used his fingers to press several buttons on his glove, which opened a hatch above the truck as several white egg-shaped drones emerged from the roof.

"Ten miles in every direction should suffice."

"Is he still looking at me funny?" The Doctor asked Agent Stone.

"Yes, he is." Agent Stone replied, still looking at Keys.

"Tell him to stop, or I'll pull up his search history."

"If you don't stop looking at the Doctor, he'll take a closer look at-" Agent Stone repeated before he was interrupted.

"I'm not deaf." Keys growled, still glaring at the Doctor. "And for your information, I don't have anything in my search history."

"Everybody says that.  Stone, tell him that his men to report to me and blah blah blah, blah blah blah."

"Excuse me?! Buddy, I don't know if you realized who-"

"I'm sorry, officer, what was your name?" The Doctor asked dryly as he turned around and faced Keys.



"Nobody cares." The Doctor repeated himself as he slowly approached Keys.

"Listen, Officer-nobody-cares. Do you know why nobody cares who you are? Because nobody cares about your feeble accomplishments!" he hissed in a harsh whisper as his eyes grew filled with rage and insanity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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