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Her soulmates had made sure that at least one of them was off for every day of Zoey's visit. When they told her what they had planned for the next two weeks, she was pleasantly surprised. She had imagined that she wouldn't be able to be seen in public with her soulmates, let alone go to tourist attractions with them. When she asked, Hongjoong said places like the mall were more likely to have their fans, but they could take her to other places.

Seonghwa was the first to take her out. The Idol was wearing a mask and hat. They went to Gyeongbukgung Palace. Zoey recognised it as they approached the gates, but instead of entering, they went down the road to the left. She followed him unquestionably but curiously until she saw something that gave her a clue as to where they were going.

People were walking past them wearing Korea's traditional clothing, hanbok. Zoey glanced up at Seonghwa and wondered if they were going to get dressed up too. He looked down at her and she could see him smile behind his mask. Her question was soon answered as they headed into a hanbok rental store.

Zoey looked around at all the pretty material as Seonghwa spoke to the staff. Then he led her to some racks and helped her choose a skirt and a jacket. She was given an underskirt which reminded her of the old hoop skirts they used to where in England years ago. A scene from Pochantas 2 came to mind. In the changing rooms, a shop assistant helped her put on the skirt and tie the jacket correctly.

While she was getting changed, Seonghwa must have chosen his own outfit, as when she stepped out he was nowhere to be seen. She was led to the hair station where the staff tied her hair back and put in pearl pins. When she stood up, her soulmate had come out of the changing rooms. Zoey froze as she admired him in traditional dress. He always looked handsome, but especially so now. He took a hat and let the attendant tie it for him.

"You look beautiful."

Zoey felt her cheeks heat up and she looked down at the floor.

She was given a matching bag to put her essentials in and the rest of their things went in a locker.

Together they walked out of the shop and round the corner a short way until they reached the Palace. After getting their tickets - which were free because they were wearing hanboks - they entered through the main gate.

It was as if she had stepped into a historical Korean drama. They walked along the king's path that led to the main hall. Before they reached the building, Seonghwa took her hand and led her off to the side.

They had decided to go on a guided tour so that Zoey could learn about the history of the Palace. It was his idea because his English wasn't good enough to give her a proper explanation. However, the next tour wasn't for half an hour.

She let her soulmate guide her to wherever he was taking her. They ended up by a large pond with a building jutting out into it. It was on stilts, the rooms only on the top floor. There was something about the place. It was beautiful, and it seemed that she wasn't the only one who thought so. There was a small crowd of people taking photos in front of it.

Since it was impossible to get a photo of just them. They walked around the lake a bit to where it was clear of people. From here, there was still a nice view of the building on the lake.

Seonghwa motioned for her to pose so that he could take a photo. Which she did and then did the same for him. Someone came over and offered to take a photo of both of them together.

Afterwards, they headed back to the meeting spot for the guided tour. It was very interesting. Zoey learnt about how Korean underfloor heating worked and the three symbols that represent the king. Five mountain peaks, the sun and moon, and a dragon.

Once the tour ended they headed back to return to their hanboks before getting something to eat. It was a wonderful day out and Zoey felt a lot closer to Seonghwa after spending some dedicated time just with him.

When they got home Yeosang, Wooyoung, and San were on the sofa. They all smiled at them in greeting.

Wooyoung moved to sit on San's lap and patted the now-empty spot on the sofa.

"Zoey! Sit here. Tell me about your day."

While she sat down, Seonghwa leaned down and gave Yeosang a kiss hello. She blushed and looked away from the pair.

"How was your day, Hyung?"

"Our Zoey looks very pretty in a hanbok."

Zoey almost jumped when Wooyoung suddenly shouted.

"I hope you have photos!"

Seonghwa took out his phone and passed it to Yeosang. He barely got to look at the photo before Wooyoung snatched it out of his hands and started swiping through the photos.

"Woo! She's my soulmate!"

Zoey looked at Yeosang as he frowned at his friend and all she could think was: cute.

That was until he leaned over her to take the phone back. Suddenly he was very close, too close. All she could hear was her heart racing and she could smell him. She didn't know if he was wearing cologne or if it was purely him, but either way, he smelt beautiful.

Everything about him is beautiful.

"Aww! You too look so cute together in your hanboks!"

Yeosang finally got the phone off Wooyoung and saw the photo he was talking about.

"Handsome as always, Hyung. Pretty Zoey."

Once her soulmate moved back, Zoey felt like she could finally breathe again. Until he said that. She felt her cheeks heat up again and ducked her head to hide it.

A tingle ran over her as fingertips brushed her skin. Yeosang tucked her hair behind her ear, revealing her face. She glanced up to see him smiling softly at her.

"My turn tomorrow."

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