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As soon as the last fan left and the Hi-Touch event was over, Jongho rushed over to Hongjoong.

"Was that - Did we just meet our last soulmate?"

"You all felt it?"

"Hyung... what do we do?"

"I asked manager-nim to catch her. Hopefully, she's waiting in the dressing room for us."

"I'm still in shock. I can't believe this is happening. What are the chances..."

Hongjoong squeezed Seonghwa's hand.

"I know. This is unexpected - "

"Let's go meet her!"

"Woah, hold on Jongho. I don't think we should all rush in there. She probably had no idea what's going on."

Yeosang patted the Maknae on the head as he pouted.

"Well, I guess Hongjoong-Hyung is going since he speaks English."

"Do one of you want to come with me? Seonghwa?"

"I think it's best if you go by yourself. She couldn't even look me in the eye earlier."

"What are you four whispering about?"

Wooyoung had come up behind Jongho and Yeosang, wrapping his arms around their shoulders and poking his head between them.

"We found our final soulmate, Woo. It was one of the fans we just met."

"Really?! Oh my god! That's awesome! Where are they?"

"Manager-nim took her to our dressing room."

"What are we standing around here for then? Let's go!"

Hongjoong grabbed the back of Wooyoung's t-shirt to stop him from running down the hallway.

"You're not going anywhere, trouble."

The younger member whined.

"Hyung! Why?"

"The poor girl probably has no idea what has happened. Hongjoong is going to talk to her first... before you can scare her off."

Seonghwa smiled a little at the end to show he was teasing and Wooyoung acted the part, gasping and clutching his chest with his hands.

"As if I would ever. You wound me, Hyung."

"Um, Hongjoong-Hyung? Are you going now? You're keeping our soulmate waiting."

"Yes, right! I'm going. I'm going."

They all walked until they were outside the door to the dressing room. Before Hongjoong went in, the younger boys gave him thumbs up while Seonghwa gave him a reassuring smile. With a deep steadying breath, he knocked on the door before turning the handle and walking in.

Inside the room, he saw her sitting on the sofa. While before she had been more of a passing blur, now he could have a proper look at her. She was cute, but what stood out more at that moment was that she looked scared. When she looked up and saw who had entered the room, her eyes grew wide as she stared at him. He sat down next to her with a friendly smile.

"Hello, I'm Hongjoong."

Luckily, he'd had his fair share of meetings with fans that he wasn't too put off when she continued to stare at him. He leant forward and tried to give her an encouraging smile.

"What's your name?"

His moving closer seemed to bring her back to reality, but Hongjoong was a little surprised when she shuffled away from him.

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