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After the emotional day she had yesterday, Zoey was looking forward to her date with Jongho. She needed a change of pace, and spending time with her gentle soulmate seemed like the perfect remedy. Jongho had been quietly thoughtful since she'd arrived, always attentive and patient.

They arrived at the screen sports game place, an indoor venue that offered a variety of virtual sports experiences. Jongho had managed to get the place reserved just for them, ensuring they had privacy and could enjoy their time together without interruptions. Zoey appreciated the gesture, as it made her feel more comfortable.

"Wow, this place is amazing."

Zoey looked around at the various screens and equipment.

Jongho smiled softly, his eyes crinkling in that endearing way she loved.

"I'm happy you like it. We play games together?"

"Sounds fun."

They started with archery. Zoey had never tried it before, and her first few attempts were far from accurate. Jongho, patient as ever, showed her how to hold the bow and draw the string back properly. His hands guided hers, and the proximity made her heart race. She could feel the warmth of his body against her back, his breath soft on her neck.

"Like this. Steady your aim, and release."

Zoey followed his instructions, and while her arrow still didn't hit the bullseye, it was much closer than before. She turned her head slightly, her eyes meeting his.

"Thank you, Jongho. You're a great teacher."

He smiled a hint of shyness in his expression.

"You are good. Keep going."

They moved on to shooting, bowling, and basketball. Each time, Jongho patiently taught her the basics, his hands gently guiding her. Zoey couldn't help but notice how he seemed to grow more reserved whenever their proximity increased. During a game of basketball, as she missed yet another shot, Jongho stepped closer to show her the correct form. Their faces were inches apart, and for a moment, she thought he might kiss her. But instead, he pulled away, his cheeks flushed.


"I'm sorry. I... need to talk."

He led her to a small bench near the back of the venue and motioned for her to sit. She did, her heart pounding with worry. Jongho took a deep breath, pulling out a small piece of paper from his pocket. He glanced at it before speaking, his words slow and deliberate.

"I... I want to tell you something important and I asked Hongjoong to help with translations."

Zoey nodded, her anxiety mounting.

"It's okay, Jongho. Just take your time."

He looked at the paper again before continuing.

"I am... asexual."

The word hung in the air between them, heavy with significance, before he continued.

"I am fine with holding hands, hugs, even kisses. But... I will never want to go further than that. Intimacy... like that. I am sorry."

For a moment, Zoey was too stunned to speak. Then, as the meaning of his words sank in, she felt a surge of empathy and understanding.

"Jongho, you have nothing to be sorry for. I don't think any less of you. Our relationship won't be any less meaningful because of this."

Jongho's eyes narrowed in concentration, so Zoey tried her best to sum up her thoughts in her limited Korean.

"It's okay."

Jongho's eyes widened, a mixture of relief and disbelief washing over his features.


"Really. Can I hug you?"

Jongho nodded furiously, a smile breaking through his initial hesitation. Zoey moved closer, wrapping her arms around him. He pulled her into his embrace, holding her tightly. At that moment, all her worries seemed to dissipate, replaced by a profound sense of connection and acceptance.

As they held each other, Zoey felt a newfound clarity about her feelings for Jongho and her other soulmates. Love was about understanding and acceptance, and she was grateful to have found both in Jongho. She knew their relationship would be just as special and fulfilling, even if it looked a little different from others.

When they finally pulled away, Jongho's eyes were shining with gratitude.

"Thank you, Zoey."

"Thank you for trusting me. Now, let's go play some more games. I still need to beat you at something."

Jongho laughed, the sound warm and genuine, his earlier apprehension replaced by a playful confidence.

"You can try."

Zoey smiled, feeling lighter than she had in days. As they returned to the games, she knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, with understanding and love guiding their way.

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