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"So, we're back in Korea in two weeks. Between then and September when would be a good time for Zoey to visit?"

"We've got Japan comeback at the end of May and concerts in July and then a comeback in July as well."

"So, April and then maybe August before she starts school?"

"You think she'll visit twice?"

"I hope so. Once she starts university it will be more difficult. We'll only have set weeks that she can come and visit, but who knows what our schedules will look like."

"Zoey? Did you follow any of that?"

As the boys discussed when in their schedules it would be best for her to visit, Zoey tried not to freak out. She had never travelled to a different country alone before, but she was used to doing things alone, so she wasn't too worried about that. Agreeing to stay with her soulmates was a little more nerve-wracking. One, she was used to living alone and two, she would be staying with eight boys.

However, she had made her decision and was determined not to change her mind so instead, she focused on the positives. She would be going to Korea. There were so many places that she wanted to see, so much food that she wanted to try. She was planning it all in her head when Hongjoong called her name.


"We think April and August would be good time for you to visit. What do you think?"

Zoey thought that she could probably take two weeks off in April. She had been planning on quitting her job so that she would have a few weeks' holiday before starting university. Originally, she had been hoping to go on a small holiday in England during that time, but she supposed she could go to Korea instead. It all depended on the cost of the flights which she felt were going to be very expensive, but if she had no other costs to consider it might be doable.

"You're sure it's okay if I stay with you."

"Of course! We want you to."


Yeosang and Jongho were giving her puppy eyes.

"Okay. I can do two weeks in April and then maybe longer in August."

The large smiles and clear excitement they showed in response surprised Zoey but also made her feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Great! Let me know dates after you look up plane tickets. You can visit anytime but we might be more busy with work."

Zoey promised to contact the leader as soon as possible to confirm the dates. She would probably be looking up flights as soon as she got home, but she would also need to go over her finances before committing to anything. Attending both of ATEEZ's concerts had put a rather large dent in her bank account and she hadn't thought she would be feeling its effects so soon.

After talking for a while longer, the Idols' phones began buzzing. While they had been getting to know their soulmate, the rest of ATEEZ had been sightseeing and now wanted to meet up for dinner. All four soulmates were wondering the same thing. Zoey seemed to have grown somewhat comfortable in their presence but would that all disappear when faced with four more Idols.

"Zoey? We are meeting the others for dinner. Do you want to come with us?"

When she hesitated to answer, Seonghwa made sure to reassure her.

"You not have to. We can eat together. Five of us."

"No, it's okay. I'll meet the others."

"Cool. Wooyoung said they're... on their way here."

Yeosang was interrupted by a knock on the door. It seems the other members were closer than they thought. He got up from Jongho's lap to answer the door. Wooyoung came barging in first, jumping around excitedly and rambling on about all the things they saw this afternoon. The other three came in a lot more calmly while greeting Zoey's soulmates.

Yunho was the first to greet Zoey. With a big friendly grin, he waved at her.

"Hello, Zoey!"

San also turned to her and smiled.

"Hi, Zoey. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you."

Zoey blushed under the Idols' attention and San turned to Hongjoong.

"Did you have a good afternoon?"

"Yes. Very good. Zoey is going to come and stay with us in a couple of months if that's okay?"


"Of course!"

"Do you know how old...?"

"Zoey is the same age as Jongho."

Wooyoung perked up at this bit of information.

"She's younger than me? Zoey, call me Oppa!"

Hongjoong gave Wooyoung a whack making the younger pout, before turning to Zoey.

"No! Don't call him that."

Zoey fiddled with her fingers nervously with a shy smile on her lips as the boys laughed at Wooyoung.

"Okay, dinner time! Is everyone ready to go?"

Dinner with ATEEZ was strange for Zoey. She had gotten used to eating alone, so being with such a big group was a little overwhelming for her. The boys spoke mostly in Korean and most of the time she understood the gist of the conversation. However, her soulmates, particularly Hongjoong and Seonghwa, as well as San, would make sure that she didn't feel left out.

While it wasn't what she was used to, Zoey had to admit that it was rather nice to have a meal like this. The evening was full of laughter and food. She didn't think she had ever seen anyone eat so much as these boys, but she guessed that they needed it after all the dancing they've been doing.

When it was time for her to go home, Zoey felt a little lost. She wouldn't be seeing her soulmates in person again for a few months. This made the past two days feel even more surreal. Saying goodbye felt wrong and she hovered around not wanting to leave.

Knowing how she was feeling, as they felt the same way, her soulmates tried to reassure her.

"We will message you every day and video call all the time too."

The other members watched from the side as the soulmates said goodbye. Mingi frowned.

"What are you doing about the time difference?"

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