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Armed with her newfound knowledge, Sumi was getting a little braver whenever Hitoshi was around. Especially since he was coming around the house more often these days as the licensing exam came closer and since the weather was getting warmer, too. Sumi had started sitting outside in the garden while Hitoshi was training with her dad. She was officially reading, but unofficially she was watching Hitoshi.

The more she was watching him, the more she started to get the constant obsession with heroes. There was a lot of raw strength and skill in the job or so it seemed to Sumi, at least. Plus, there was also something very romantic about a man whose job it literally was to save people (which was probably also why so many girls thought that firemen were incredibly hot). Sumi still had no desire to join the hero course and become a hero herself, but she kind of understood where all these people literally worshipping heroes were coming from. And maybe they did have somewhat of a point.

Either way, the downside of this all was that Sumi barely got any reading done, which kind of annoyed her, but not enough to give up on Hitoshi. She'd get more reading done at some point, she was absolutely sure of that. But right now she just had other priorities – which was also a little annoying because the midterms were creeping closer and closer and she really had to study if she wanted to keep up her average.

She sometimes wondered whether she was being a little too perfectionist about her grades and about how she was doing in school, but then again... her entire family was made up of perfectionists (with the exception of Haya and maybe her mother, although her mother did value writing quality articles that were well researched – but she wasn't really perfectionist about it). Sumi was sure that this perfectionist streak in the family was pretty unhealthy, but she couldn't really help but worry about her grades all the time. If her essays were any less than 90% she would do extra work to make up for it.

Maybe Sumi was a bit of a nerd that way – maybe she was a really big, huge, massive nerd – but she liked the validation she got from her grades and the praise she got from her teachers. It made her feel like she was achieving something, like she was ready to take on more work, more advanced work. It made her feel smart and if there was one thing that Sumi liked more than anything else it was feeling smart.

She glanced up at Hitoshi again who was climbing a tree in their garden with the help of the same scarf that her father was using. He was doing with such an ease, it was almost as if he had been using it for years. And he looked damn handsome doing it. Sumi still couldn't really believe that this guy was actually into her. It seemed a little too good to be true. He was a bit of a celebrity at U.A. and he was tall and handsome and he had the absolute coolest hair (at least if you liked the messy and dishevelled look) and since he had been training he had bulked up considerably. He was genuinely a snack.

"Right, you're doing much better with that. If you get it done about 5 seconds quicker I'll have to call you over at the end of summer break so you can help picking the apples from up there." her father said.

Sumi had rarely heard him making jokes, and even now he was looking completely serious, but she knew that he had meant it as a joke. She watched Hitoshi quickly dropping down from the tree, wiping a little sweat from his forehead. He looked over at Sumi and she quickly hid her face behind her book again, because she didn't want to be caught staring at him all the damn time. At least she didn't blush.

"Should I try it again? I'm pretty sure I can shave some time off still..." Hitoshi said. Sumi peeked over the top of her book again and saw her father shaking his head. It was a little surprising, because normally her father was very hardcore when it came to training, but maybe the heat was starting to get to him, as well.

"No, we'll take a short break. Why don't you sit down for a bit? I'm sure Sumi would appreciate some company. I'll head inside and get something to drink for all of us, it's way too warm out here anyway." her father said. Sumi gulped and pretended to be reading a little more. She had no idea where she had left off anyway, but she wanted to act as if she had just finished the chapter and Hitoshi wasn't bothering her.

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