Part 1 I thought I died

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Tsuna felt disoriented. He was pretty sure he died, so why was he in a dark place with some mysterious voice telling him he's going to a parallel world. Strange yet intriguing. "Sawada Tsunayoshi in this parallel world you have a twin brother, and a younger brother. They are candidates to be Vongola's boss and CEDEF leader." That was interesting to Tsuna too.

"What's the catch, there's always a catch " he asked the voice. "Funny you ask. You'll be the Tri-Ni-Sette advisor. Kawahira somehow vanish in the world you'll be in. When you wake up you'll have both Sky and Kawahira's mist flames." Well that was new. All he knew was he was gonna have a second chance to live.


The doctor had just told the Sawada family that their eldest was about to die... and they celebrated. They ran to his room all happy with smiles. The doctor was furious but when he went to go he almost had a heart attack. There in the hospital bed was Sawada Tsunayoshi... alive. "It's a miracle!" he gasped

"If it is, I don't like this one," the youngest of the Sawadas, Sawada Sora complained. Tsuna's twin Sawada Nori nodded.

"Well this is new," Tsuna said aloud. "Can't be... y-your supposed to be mute!" The doctor exclaimed. Then Tsuna did the impossible. He got up from bed and walked up to the doctor as if he wasn't in a coma for two years from being hit by a truck. Which by the way severely damaged his spine to the extent where he needed therapy.

"Do I sound mute?" he asked bluntly. "You just woke up from a coma, you can't just recover like that!"

"No such thing," Tsuna said. "No human can do such a thing!" the doctor protested. "Then I'm the first," Tsuna ended smugly. "Oh yes thank you for taking care of me while I was in a comatose doctor-chan," he bowed. The doctor was stunned but nodded.

"Ara Tsuna, w-why don't we head home," Nana said through clenched teeth. Tsuna answered with a bored 'Hai'.

While on the car ride home Tsuna learned that he was apparently the family outcast. "Dame-Tsuna why aren't you dead yet," his supposed younger brother asked. He shrugged. "I may not know you since you were in a coma when I came to finally visit but I know your a useless brat. You made ka-san worry. Also, you almost killed Sora-chan," he said coldly.

"Useless son, I knew you would be a disgrace the day you were born," Iemistu huffed.

"I can't believe I actually tried to love you, you put my youngest son in harms way. What kind of older brother are you?!" Nana said furiously. "What were you trying to do sacrifice him into the fire so you could escape?!"

Tsuna kept quiet most of the ride so he could think. So there was a fire and I... erm he did something. My twin here has been somewhere most of our lives, so we don't know each other. I'm still dame. My family hates me. They are both Vongola heirs. Sora is probably the CEDEF heir, while Nori's the boss heir. And I am in charge of the Tri-Ni-Sette. I have to keep this secret. Have to get used to my new body...or is it old? Then there's a bunch of other stuff. Wait... so this means Reborn is coming. Great, just great, gotta keep this from him too. Now how does one go about secret training?

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