Part 3 Different Side of the Same Coin

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"Tsu-kun... why did you bring in this child? Oh dear, is he lost?!" Nana asked worriedly.

The toddler tilted his fedora. "I'm not lost I'm the tutor of Sawada Nori and Sawada Sora. I've been sent by Iemitsu, your husband," he explained.

Nana being as oblivious as ever believed him. "Oh that's nice. Take care of my sons..." she trailed of not knowing his name. "Reborn," the toddler informed.

"Yes, take care of my sons Reborn-kun!'

"Don't worry they'll be in good care" he answered smugly. "Where are you going?" he turned to see Tsuna trying to escape.

"School," he answered casually. Both his brothers were too stunned for words. "Nori, Sora we should get going."

Nori looked at the clock. "Shit we gotta go... or else!" he mentally cursed the five year old for wasting their time.

"Or else what?" Tsuna asked as the three brothers rushed out the door.

"Well I don't have to worry about it, only you two. You have to worry about Hibari-senpai. He's a first year like you guys. But also the school prefect. He's also know as The Demon of Namimori," Sora explained.

"Well..." Tsuna trailed off. How nice, I have to deal with this guy again. Only difference is he's a first year like me... and Nori I guess. At least he's still as fearsome as ever. Gonna have to look into him. Maybe this one can be the Vongola cloud again. This'll be fun, I get to mess with him. Maybe we can become even closer friends this time. He broke into a smile. "He sounds like a fun person." He laughed at his brother's faces, priceless.

They dropped of Sora at his Elementary school before heading to Namimori Middle. Turns out they were late... by five seconds!! But you all know Hibari, late is late.

"You herbivores are late," he promptly stated. Nori began to shake a bit, Tsuna just stared at Hibari. "I see the strange herbivore has woken up from hibernation," he looked at Tsuna. He's different, Hibari thought. No fear huh, maybe this herbivore will be different from the rest. "I'll let you off this time."

The two scurried past the dangerous prefect. "Was that Hibari?" Tsuna asked trying to pretend to be clueless. Nori simply nodded and dragged his brother to class.

At this moment Tsuna stood in front of his new class, which of course the teacher had to be the one and only Nezu-sensei. "Class welcome Sawada Tsunayoshi to our classroom. Some of you may know him or may not. I have only heard rumors that you tried to kill your youngest brother. I'll have you know killing isn't allowed it this class..." Nezu went on for the rest of the class period trying to put down Tsuna.

He hasn't changed at all. Can't tell if that's a good thing or bad. I swear if he keeps talking any longer I will fall asleep on the spot. "...Is that clear Sawada?" Nezu asked snapping Tsuna out of his trance.

"Yeah, yeah... what did you say again, I didn't catch the whole thing?" he answered nervously.

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