Alessandro the Persistent Part 26

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"So what are we gonna do?" Alessandro asked in boredom as he leaned onto Jack. He, Jack, and Tsuna were discussing how to get money. Alessandro didn't know what type of job he'd like. When you work for the mafia other jobs don't seem as exciting. Tsuna and Jack were going over possible jobs, so he just kept shut a listened for anything eye-catching. 

"What about working for a newspaper or a magazine?" Tsuna suggested.

Alessandro perked up at the idea, it didn't seem too boring. It sounds kinda fun. If he worked for a newspaper he might get the chance to put his voice out there, something he didn't really get to do often or ever. Even if he was the heir of the Estraneo Family, he never got a say in anything. He didn't get to chose what he wanted to do in the future, who he wanted to associate with, or even what he liked. His whole life was already planned out for him. The only reason he even knew Jack was because his Famiglia had an alliance with the AcerbiFamily. Both bosses thought it'd be a great idea for their heirs to be acquainted, to strengthen family alliances. 


Seven-year-old Jack and Alessandro were put into a room as the grown-ups went off to chat. They both sat on the floor staring at each other, unsure of what to do.

Alessandro looked at the angry redhead who wore a black suit. The redhead just glared at him, he didn't like it. He wondered why his uncle left him with such a scary person. 

Jack just glared at the long haired child before him. This kid looked like a total wimp. How could such a scrawny kid be the heir of Estraneo? "Pathetic." The other just blinked and tilted his head. It only annoyed Jack further, so he turned away.

Alessandro just got up and sat down in the view of the redhead. "You know, it's really rude to ignore people!" It didn't matter if the redhead was scary, he hated being ignored. Jack turned away again looking angrier, "Hey look at me!" Jack didn't turn. Alessandro walked into Jack's view once again. "Listen up you jerk, I don't care who you are, but I'm not gonna let you ignore me!" He marched right up to Jack so he could tower over the boy. "So tell me your name...peasant!"

Jack could handle the raven's persistent attitude, but being called a lowly peasant! He shot up and shoved the smaller boy to the ground. "I dare you to say that again!" He grabbed Alessandro by the collar and lifted him up. "Say it again."

The latter didn't say a word, he was too scared to speak. He didn't like the redhead one bit. He let out a shrill cry and sobbed when he was suddenly dropped onto the floor. He absolutely did not like this newcomer. He cried uncontrollably until he felt a small tap on his shoulder. Scrubbing his face he turned his head to see who it was. 

Jack felt bad for making the wimp cry, he didn't know why, though. Crying was a sign of being weak in his eyes. Also, Alessandro's vehement sobs were annoying. It didn't help when the smaller boy flinched and looked at him like he was a monster. "I... I'm sorry..." he mumbled almost inaudibly. What else am I supposed to do? He awkwardly hugged Alessandro. It felt weird touching another person unless he was attacking them. Alessandro's smaller arms curled around his lower torso. "We don't have to kiss do we?"

Alessandro tightened his hug on Jack. "Nope, unless you want to."

End Flashback

"Working for a newspaper or magazine sounds fun," he quietly spoke. 

"You want me to look around to see if there's anything available?" Tsuna asked.

Alessandro smiled tiredly. "That'd be great, thanks." He buried his head into Jack's shoulder and stifled a yawn. "Do you have anything in mind Jack?"

Jack shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, I've been offered a job, but..." 

"But what?" Tsuna took a sip of coffee and went back to the list of available jobs he had found today. All three of them had spent the whole day job hunting and didn't find much. 

"It's for the Costa Famiglia."

Alessandro groaned. "Can't it be something, not mafia related?"

Jack sighed. "But Costa isn't really deep in the mafia. The only thing they really do is make special mafia suits. The Don of the Famiglia wants me to be her designer/assistant or something of the like. I don't think I'm cut out for a job in fashion."

Tsuna's hyper intuition told him that if Jack took the job it could be used as an advantage. "I think you'd be great in that."

Jack sighed. "If you say so..."

Alessandro was too tired to stay up any longer. "Jack take me to be," he demanded sleepily.

Tsuna snickered at Jack's distraught state. Jack's cheeks were bright red as he stared at his best friend in disbelief. He hid his smile behind his mug. Where was the popcorn when you needed it.

Damn, it's been forever! At least, I updated. Sorry for the wait. I love all you followers who were patient, and I'm so sorry!! I just haven't felt the motivation to do anything at all. But I mustered just enough to do this. I wanted to add a bit more character to Alessandro. The second to last chapter was all about Jack, it was supposed to characterize him but that ended up as a bust. Hopefully ended better with Alessandro. The next chapter will probably be all about everyone in Japan, the some more on Basil. Enma won't get another chapter in a while, and I'm sure you'll want to add him. By the way, did Kyoko ever appear in this story? I can't remember. In a few chapters, I think Varia or at least, Squalo will show up. Goodbye, once again my friends! Ciao.

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