When you Tell Me That You Love Me

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2021 (Present)

"Jas, have you put your shoes on yet?" I yelled from downstairs.

"Yes mommy, I'm coming." The 5-year-old answered while going down the stairs.

I saw my daughter wearing a cute Frozen t-shirt, denim shorts, and white trainers, she looked really cute. Early today, Jasmine asked me to pick an outfit by herself, and I agreed.

I have to admit, and not only because she is my daughter, but Jasmine has to be the most beautiful child I've ever seen. She got my skin tone, nose, face shape, and curly hair, but she inherited her eyebrows, blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes from her other mom. I also think that's where her freckles came from, since I don't have them.

"Can we go now? I wanna play." Jasmine exclaimed animatedly. She was very excited to spend the day at the park with me.

"Yes baby, come on." I extended my hand for Jasmine to grab, and we went to the park.

We have been playing around the park for a while, and when I got a little tired, I suggested we get some ice cream and sit down a little. Jasmine, of course, said yes.

On our way to the ice cream parlor, we heard someone playing an acoustic guitar.

"Mommy, can we go and watch them play?" Jasmine asked, looking up at me with hopeful eyes.

Leigh-Anne was always blasting music at the loudest volume, and I also always had music around their house. So Jasmine grew up very connected to music, and every chance she got to see someone playing live, she wanted to grab it.

"OK, baby, but only if we don't interrupt them." I started looking around to find where the music came from, but Jasmine found it first.

"Look, mommy" she said as she pointed to someone and began running in their direction.

I was playing a few chords to figure out which one sounded better with what I have composed so far, and that's when I heard some footsteps near me. I looked up and saw a beautiful little girl in front of me; she had gorgeous curly hair and beautiful blue eyes, and she seemed to be around 5 or 6 years old.

"Hi" she said shyly.

"Hey princess, what's your name?" I said it while smiling.

"Jasmine." The moment she said that, I heard someone else yelling, Jasmine.

"Jasmine, I told you not to run far away from me" the woman, whom I assumed was her mother, said hastily.

"Sorry, mommy, I just wanted to hear the pretty lady playing"

"It's fine, baby, just don't do it again." The woman shook her head a little bit to take her hair out of her face, and that's when I really noticed her. And holy fuck, she was breathtaking. She had gorgeous curly hair with some blonde highlights, smooth caramel skin, plump lips, and beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Now I knew where the kid got her beauty from.

I realized I had been staring for far too long and decided to say something. I extended my hand to her and introduced myself.

"Hi, I'm Perrie."


I ran after Jasmine, and when I reached her, I was so worried that I didn't even notice the person who was playing until I heard her voice.

"Hi, I'm Perrie." I looked at her and, oh my god, she was absolutely stunning. She had long blonde hair, mesmerizing blue eyes, sharp features that made her look like a model, and she was also heavily tattooed, which was something I didn't know I found so hot until now.

I got out of my momentary trance and shook her hand. "I'm Jade"

"A fellow Georgie I see" Perrie said with a smirk.

"How did you know? My accent is not even strong" I said sarcastically, and Perrie laughed. Jesus, her smile is so beautiful; I don't even know her, and I'm already out here behaving like a schoolgirl with a crush.

"So, since you ran all the way here to hear me play, what do you want me to play for you?" Perrie asked, looking at my daughter.

"Hmm.." Jasmine put her hand on her chin, thinking. "I want you to play When You Tell Me That You Love Me"

"You want me to play Diana Ross?" Perrie seemed a little taken aback by the Jasmine's request.

"Yes, mommy always sings for me when I can't sleep; she said my gramma used to sing for her when she was little."

"Well, maybe your mom can join in.... What do you say, mom?" she asked, smiling up at me. I nodded, and she patted the space next to her. I sat down, and Jasmine sat in front of us.

"I'm not a singer, so don't judge me." With a nervous laugh, I said.

When Perrie started playing and singing, her voice was wonderful and was probably the best voice I've ever heard. When the chorus came, I joined in, and I must say that our voices sounded great together.

We finished the song, and Jasmine squealed and clapped her tiny hands. "Mommy, can we invite Miss Perrie for my birthday? Pleeeease" Jasmine pleaded, and I looked at Perrie, unsure. Perrie noticed, and she came closer to me, so she could whisper and Jasmine wouldn't hear.

"It's ok if you don't want to. I mean, I'm a stranger and everything, but if you don't mind, I would love to go." I looked into her eyes, and for some reason I felt like I could trust her.

"Perrie can go if she wants. " I said it loudly enough for Jasmine to hear it.

"I would love to." Perrie said, still looking into my eyes.

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