Two: hallway 🕷

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Lunas pov

" I hope we have all our breaks together," I say as I look over both our schedules.

" You have chem for my first break." I frown. " it's fine. we still have lunch together, and we also have British literature together." He smiled, ruffling my hair.

" Yeah, I guess it's fine, but who do I spend time with during my break?"

" Why don't you try making some new friends? The only friends you've had for the past five years are me and the others. It wouldn't hurt to make some new ones." He smiled, walking away.

I let out a huff and headed to first period.

" Luna Hayes?" The teacher called out the attendance. " Here," I said, raising my hand.

" Oh my, I almost didn't recognize you." She gasped, and with that, a couple of whispers go around the room.

If there's one thing I hated most, it was being the center of attention. It always filled my chest up with anxiety. " Uh, yeah, I kinda just changed my hair up a bit." I chew my lip to calm my nerves.

" A little? You look like a hottopic threw up on you." One of the students snorted as I shoved my face in my hands.

" Alright Mr.adams thats enough." She said to the boy who was still going on about my appearance.

I slam my locker shut and get startled by the face behind it, the same face I was dreding to see.

" Luna Hayes, i didn't believe it when I was told you were a total babe now, but look at you." He smirked.
( i cringed writing this)

I stare at him blankly, not sure of how to respond, " Look, tell you what, you go out with me, and I'll forget how you humiliated me in the cafeteria that day."

" How I humiliated you?" I asked, shocked. " You asshole you were the one who asked me to lick your shoes clean as if I were some kind of animal in front of the whole school!" I shout at him.

" Okay, i see," He smirks, "not only did you get hot over the break, but you also got a little fight in you. That's fine. I like a girl who can fight back." He bites his lip, and I almost gag.

He reaches out to put his hand on my waist before a hand grabs him,
" Come on, flash, do you really wanna be expelled on the first day for harassing a student." He raised an eyebrow.

Flash looks between the both of us before shoving his way through the crowded hall.
" Thanks." I say, looking down at my shoes."

" No problem, loony." He grins, and I glare at him. " You're so unoriginal felix, if you wanna make fun of me, at least make up your own insults." I roll my eyes.

Lee Felix, he's been my mortal enemie ever since he won the science fair in 5th grade, he's annoying and he's a pain in the ass, though he can be nice if he wants to.

"Are you listening? Or are you busy daydreaming about me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. " im not daydreaming about you." I say and kick him in the shin.

" ow- hey, admit it, you find me attractive." He shouts as I hurry down the hall.

" In your dreams loser." I say, flipping him off.

" Lord, i hate him." I groan sitting down at the desk next to jungkook,
" Who? felix?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, and I furrowed mine, " I saw you two talking in the halls." He spoke, reading my mind.

" No, not felix, although I kinda hate him to but, not in the same way i hate Flash Thompson." I say voice laced with venom as I say his name.

Jungkooks eyes widen at the name,
" Did that asshole do something to you again?" He said, standing up abruptly, " jk, sit down." I smacked his leg, and he obeys.

"He didn't do much, but he tried to ask me out on a date. It's probably just some shit to mess with me, but still the nerve he had to even approach me," I scoff.

" I swear, next time I see him, I'm gonna kick him in the balls." He said, gritting his teeth.

" Anyways, what were you and felix talking about?"

" Nothing, he was just helping me out with Thompson." I smile, and a mischievous grin grows on jungkooks face. " What?"

" If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have a crush on him." He giggles, " First of all, you're a grown man stop giggling, second off, EW! I could never and will never even have thoughts of being a relationship with felix." I shudder.

" Aw, I can't be that bad, can I?" Felix spoke up from behind me, and my face scowls, " What are you even doing here? You failed to get Mrs Ambridge to move you a grade up for literature, remember?" I pout sarcasticly, and now it's his turn to scowl.

" Shut up, I was just walking chris to his class." He nods his head to chris, who is sitting behind us with a big smile on his face. Sometimes, I wonder how such a perfect human can be friends with someone as annoying as felix.

" Hey Luna, I like your new hair." He smiles, "Thanks, chris." I smile back.
"Hey!" He smacks my head, " stop flirting with my friends. You don't deserve them." Felix glares

"Mr Lee? Are you attending this class?" The teacher asked as she entered the room.

" No." He frowns, " then please make your way out of my classroom."

𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐊 🕷️ 𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗 Where stories live. Discover now