Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    The master of the Immortal Cultivation Team is Gu Ming, and he has seven apprentices.

    After dinner that night, the immortal cultivation team, from master to apprentice, was collectively poisoned.

    Everyone was lying in disorder, or a group of demons danced wildly, "Fairy, fairy! You can't do it, oh, you can't do it, poor dao... poor dao is a monk!

    " How?"

    Some people sang: "There is a group of Smurfs on the other side of the mountain, they are lively and smart, they are naughty and sensitive, they live freely in the big green forest, they are kind, brave and care about each other Oh, cute smurfs, cute smurfs!"——1

    Someone waved their chopsticks wildly: "Ah, the dementors are here, I'm not afraid of you! Avadaka kills me!"

    "Baojuan, Baojuan Juan, my brain."

    There are a thousand villains in the eyes of a thousand people.

    Holding his last breath, Gu Ming pulled up a magic barrier to block the movement in the room, otherwise they would be pulled into the guard that night.

    Until midnight, everyone was exhausted and fell asleep.

    The mushrooms are really delicious, they licked up the soup, and the poison is really poisonous.

    After seeing the little people, the Xiuxian team was poisoned collectively, so they couldn't do the mission they were supposed to do.

    So the next day I continued to stand up at home and watch villains.

    It was not until the next afternoon that the body felt better, and everyone gradually recovered.

    The apprentices were heartbroken: "Mushrooms with forty or fifty crystal nuclei are so poisonous that zombies can be poisoned to death. Master, I will go to her to settle the score."

    Gu Ming was practicing in seclusion, "No, everything has a cause and effect. This kind of opportunity." Among the

    seven apprentices, the two younger apprentices, Li Lei and Han Meimei, couldn't swallow this breath, God knows, they were blinded after looking at the villain for a whole day, and there were still bright spots in front of their eyes.

    In the afternoon, I secretly went to Xue Lian to settle the score.

    In the distance, Li Lei and Han Meimei saw the girl who was selling mushrooms yesterday, and today she was selling rice at the market.

    The person who bought the rice was an old rogue, he stared here and there, and when the girl handed him a bag of rice, he would take the opportunity to touch the girl's hand.

    The girl seemed to be overly frightened, and suddenly withdrew her hand.

    The old rascal laughed.

    Hold! Han Meimei mourns her misfortune and angers her for being invincible, she is pretty but has no skills, how pitiful! This is a bad guy.     Han Meimei didn't realize that her girlfriend was overwhelmed at the moment, she rushed over, raised the old hooligan

    with one hand, and suddenly threw him to the ground, "Get lost!"

Wrap around Han Meimei's neck.

    Seeing this, Xue Lian said, "Be careful!"

    Han Meimei sneered, and tore off the vine around her neck with one hand, tearing it to pieces.

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