Chapter 8

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"When's the next time you plan on seeing noona?" Asked Jimin.

"Tomorrow night, I found this bar-"

"Bar? Please say that's a joke..."

The two were walking through the busy sidewalks of Hongdae, a well known district, popular for street performances, high brand clothing shops and karaoke bars. At night, a party scene came alive as hues of red, orange and purple spilled from neon sign, attracting both locals and tourists. The crowded section always made Yoongi uneasy. Each stranger they passed was either a possible undercover cop or a name for his next target practice.

Trust was something rarely spared. Whether it be close friends or even family. Yoongi was no stranger to betrayal, starting with his parents.

Their natural role is to care, guide and love their child. Yoongi however was a product of an one night stand. Forced into marriage, he was a reminder of their regret and misery that eventually would lead to an abusive childhood.

His life continued with a series of one broken loyalty after the other. However, Yoongi wasn't entirely innocent, Taehyung could easily attest to that fact.

A few years ago the younger fell for a woman by the name of Won Se-Ri. She was fun, wild, exotic and beautiful. Taehyung treated her as if she was a rare diamond during their two year relationship. Blinded by love he never would have suspected Se-Ri was torn between two men.

Hearing her confession came as a surprise to Yoongi. In spite of his constant rejection she never gave up her pursuit. Seeing how happy she made Taehyung, Yoongi chose not to say anything. Of course it didn't remain a secret for too long.

One morning, while passed out in one of the guest rooms, Yoongi woke up finding Se-Ri straddled over his lap. The strings of her dress were untied, its material circling her waist leaving her perky breasts exposed. As he felt her bounce and grind, he couldn't stop the way his body responded. Se-Ri had finally won. Yoongi ignored the warning voice in the back of his thoughts and allowing the room to be tainted from her forbidden moans.

But reality returned when his eyes drifted past her naked frame to see Taehyung at the door, witnessing their affair as Se-Ri confessed her love and pleasure for Yoongi.

Over the next months Taehyung had grown cold, distant, barely spoke and was rarely home. Yoongi's apologies fell on deaf ears. Jin initially didn't see as a reason to worry, that is until dead bodies started popping up all over town, being found in ditches and hospitals. Every day someone new was identified and to his disbelief, among the list of names was Se-Ri.

The world had been introduced to the real Taehyung and it was all thanks to Yoongi. He needed to atone for his wrongs and wanted to be done with The Kim brothers for good. Serving time became the perfect opportunity.

"HYUNG?!" Jimin nudges Yoongi's shoulder startling the other. "You didn't hear a thing I said?"

"You said...A bar joke?..."

Jimin rolls his eyes. "No. What I said is the first date needs to be more special. A bar won't cut it. Turn up the romance you know?"


"Worried that's not your thing?"

"You know me too well," Yoongi admitted after stopping at one of street food vendors, greeted by delicious smells of different dishes like tteokbokki, eomuk and bungeoppang.

"You don't have to worry so much hyung, anyone who's got a brain can tell noona likes you." Jimin smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. "You're lucky...

Yoongi stops when he hears the unsubtle hint of sadness behind Jimin's words. The longing look on his face now made sense.

They start walking again but now there's an awkwardness lingering between the two. He can't stand the silence, eventually being the first to break. "I should've thought before I said anything-"

"Hyung," he interrupts. "Look, you don't have anything to be sorry about. You're happy. You deserve it."

The older smiles and ruffles his hair. "We all do kid."

"Not to ruin this bromance crap, but we're being followed."

"I know. They're too sloppy for Jin's taste." Yoongi glances back sighting the three figures clad in black, their faces hidden beneath a matching cap and mask. "Text Kook. Have him meet us and be ready for clean up."

He snickered, "And here I was disappointed we wouldn't have any fun tonight." He pulls out his lighter out.

"Easy there's too many eyes." He then turns a corner that leads to a dark alley. Brick walls and wire fences run parallel to the narrow path with chipped pavement, old factories and overgrown vines.

They find themselves at a dead end reaching the entrance of an abandoned subway station. Jimin whistles seeing the padded locks and heavily boarded windows. "I guess they didn't want anyone snooping around here."

"Perfect," Yoongi turns around to find the three figures. Just then Jungkook, Mingyu and Chan arrive along with several familiar faces appear outnumbering the group. "Who sent you?"

"Aish..." One uttered beneath his breath while frantically searching his surroundings.

"There's no point." Yoongi starts. "We got every inch covered. Now save us some trouble and tal-"

"Ask that little bitch you been hanging around with."

Yoongi glances up and sighs, "That was rude." He briefly closes his eyes and then turns to Jungkook, "Only leave him."

The world is clueless to the silencers that lead the execution. Bullets drop like pellets of heavy rain scattering empty shells across the ground. Each body falls with a loud dramatic thud, all but one. Yoongi pulls out a pistol and fires off two bullets piercing his lower leg.


Yoongi kneels pressing the handle of his gun on the wound. "Speak up or the other leg is next ."

"H-He s-said Taehyung i-is pissed since he ain't finish you off."


"Jung...Jung Hoseok..."

"See, wasn't so hard." He stands pointing the pistol to the guy's frontal lobe. "Now let's talk about your earlier comment. Say it again."

"I apologize...about wh-" The bullet that went through his head doesn't give him a chance to finish his sentence.

Jungkook whistles, "Nice."

"Jimin you take over clean up and Kook, let's go." The two exchange confused looks. "We need to visit an old friend."

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