Chapter 13

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"How come you haven't said yes yet?" Jimin asked after he gave both his and your order to the barista. The young girl's eyes stuck to him like he was dinner served on a plate. Her wide smile and red cheeks, makes it obvious she was into him. But Jimin is unfazed as he scrolls casually through his phone. Soon his nonchalant attitude sends her to the kitchen, but not before you're able to catch a glimpse of her disappointed expression.

"You're going to act like you ain't see that girl checking you out?"

"Changing the subject won't work noona."

"You're starting to know me too well."

"It's my job as your unofficial bodyguard." Jimin smirks. Yoongi insisted on the added protection despite your refusal. But given you didn't mind Jimin's company, you went along with it, deciding to drag him to one of your favorite cafe shops called, The Avenue.

The loft like venue was daunted with brick walls covered by tall mirrors and scattered plants. In the center was a round bar and above it was a stereo system spilling lofti tunes. The ambience of the place always gave off a relaxing vibe. The weight of the world hidden beyond glass doors and the aroma of sweet smells.

"It's too soon," You reply repeating the same words said to Yoongi. You wanted to jump at the chance of living with him, but not for this reason. Not because of a feud, or let alone a love triangle. How could you be excited when it because of a negative reason?

"It wouldn't be permanent noona, it's just to keep you safe."

"Y'all act like Taehyung is the devil. Yoongi told about their history, but what about you or Kookie?"

"I only met him after I was released. Kook is a different story." He starts. "Before he got locked up, Kook was a boxer. Was making a name for himself, but then he lost it during one match and killed someone. After that nobody wanted him in their ring, least not officially. So, he begin to participate in a couple of underground fights, gambling,

using until he rakes up a debt. Taehyung offered him a deal, work for what he owed. Kook agrees, giving Tae a chance to turn him talent into a weapon."

"So did he make Jungkook part of his crew?"

"Yeah, for obvious reasons as the muscle. Which meant having to witness a lot of the shit Taehyung did, like murder and torture. He doesn't have any boundaries. Women, elderly, family. And he's manipulative. He uses people and show the sides of him you want to see. So don't buy his nice guy act. Don't be quick to defend him-"

Jimin pauses studying you with a discerning look in his eyes. You grow uncomfortable and begin fidgeting in your seat. "Wh-what is it?"

"You like him." He says surprising you with a sure tone. "Is that why you didn't say yes?"

Luckily the barista returns with your order. He leads you to a table near the window, a display of the outside world as people pass by, their curious glances meeting yours only briefly before drifting to Jimin. Captivated looks don't surprise you. His maroon hair is now a beautiful pale pink color, contrasting bold tattoos and black clothing. After every sip he takes, his tongue glides over the hoop piercing sitting on his bottom lip. Sitting this close to him, you notice his long lashes, and the round shape of his brown eyes.

"Noona," he smiles, deep dimples appearing. "I know I'm hot but could we focus? Now, am I right about Taehyung?"

You look away, feeling ashamed of the truth or at least, that's what you should have felt. But after hearing the story about Se-Ri, you found your affection for Taehyung growing deeper. You understood him more, and also sympathized with his loss. It couldn't have been easy losing both the woman he loved and the friend he once considered a brother. Grief and betrayal unbalanced in the midst of hurt, a receipt for the type of man willing to do anything to survive.

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