Chapter 14

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"How many shipments?"

"Chan thinks five, maybe six."

"Does it look like I give a fuck about what he thinks? Find out." Yoongi ordered. Jungkook pulled out his phone pressing it to his ear as he relayed the command.

Yoongi wondered when Seungjoon, Se-Ri's brother would make his move. Apparently he didn't have to wait long. In less than twenty four hours, he received news that two of his operations were involved in a drug raid. Half his men arrested with charges ranging from racketeering to money laundering. Much as he didn't want to admit it, Jin was right. This had a mutual problem. One whose ties put him at an advantage making him one of the biggest threats Yoongi ever had to face.

"Seven," Jungkook sighs. "Seven shipments were confiscated. I found out the location. I also called Jay, he's on his way to the jail to bail out our people. He has papers ready if they need to disappear."

"We don't need them. Running makes us look weak. We have to play this smart. So have them meet at the hideout. Tell Jay to meet us there too."

Jungkook nods tapping away on his phone before placing it face down. "You've been in a shitty mood hyung, more than usual. And it isn't just about this Seungjoon fucker. What is it?"

"I asked Y/N to stay here," he sweeps a hand l down his face, a long sigh follows when he recalls your response.

He used a dangerous situation as an excuse. Despite his mind telling him it was too soon, he was blinded by the thrill and excitement rose in his chest. Something else was there too, something foreign but welcomed as he pictured you waking up in his arms. Wearing his clothes. Smiling. Existing in his world. A notion he still thought was undeserving but needed. Which is why your rejection came as such a surprise.

"Guessing she said no?" Jungkook's prying gaze was focused on Yoongi. Studying as he went on to say, "And you're disappointed."

"I shouldn't be, she's right to think it's too soon." Yoongi shrugs leaning against the island counter. The marble surface sturdy enough for the way he wanted to mark this entire loft with your presence. He didn't care about the possibility of Jungkook or Jimin walking in on you. They would be blessed with the image of your naked body, moans flooding the space as Yoongi pounded into you over and over-

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled, a playful smirk suddenly appearing on his face. "Clearly, you are disappointed. You look like a sad puppy or something. Did you tell noona?"

"She doesn't need to feel pressured. I just want her safe. Things with Taehyung I can handle, but Seungjoon is unpredictable. He can know about Y/N if he had us followed."

"Sounds like he has the money to pull it off, cover his tracks. So what're you thinking?"

"Find out what you can and once everyone meets up let me know. I need to make a call," Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose. "I hate when he's right."

"When wh-...Hyung, no..." Jungkook scoffs. "Tell me you're joking. They're just going to stab us in the back! Not to mention that sick ass Taehyung! I-"

"Enough." Yoongi cuts the other off with the sharp tone of his command. "Last I checked, I make the decisions."

Jungkook recoiled, nose flared as he held back the words his angered glare reflected. Yoongi noticed his clutched fist. It was the only sign of an internal war, the side of him unyielding and full of rage clawing at his conscience.

"Take a walk," Said Yoongi. "Then do as I ask." He walks away while reaching for his phone. He finds Jin's name.

Yoongi: Be at the boatyard. 5. Come alone

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