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"Come here, my daughter."

Emea sat in front of her mother, eyes falling on the bump. "Are you doing okay, Mother?" She looked at her. "I will go get some water if you're not."

"My child, it's okay," Ronal spoke, placing a hand on her cheek. "Listen, I'm trusting you to check on them." She gestured with her head towards Neteyam and Lo'ak who were talking with Tsireya, who were, unbeknownst to Emea, talking about her. "They need to know the way of our people from the next Tsahìk."

"Yes, mother," Emea bowed her head.

"Don't be too hard on them either," her mother said with a soft gaze and Emea nodded, feeling like a child when her mother spoke so softly with her.

It was weird, she'll admit, to think that some people may think that her mother may be too strict. But she was a good mother to her children and to her people. She reacted the way she did sometimes because she needed to protect them as much as her husband. Emea didn't blame her.

"I'll try not to be."

Ronal smiled a bit before breathing out. "Be careful and do not go past the reefs."

"I don't do that anymore," Emea smiled at her, dragging out the last word as she stood up from her sat position.

"Just a reminder."

Emea walked out after bowing her head. She walked towards the group of people, watching as they all turned to look at her. She stood next to Neteyam who beamed at the fact she did so, all of them getting in the water in a synchronized matter.

"We're separating into groups," she started. She looked at Lo'ak. "You're with me and Tsireya, you're with Neteyam."

Neteyam was too into the fact that she finally remembered his name that he was caught by surprise when the youngest sister dragged him away.

"Um," Lo'ak started as he saw Emea circle him, a rock in her hand, "you won't kill me, right?"

"Do you like my sister?" Lo'ak gulped at the sudden question that Emea knew the response to when he took too long. "If you can't answer a question out of fear, how will you be able to protect her?"

"I'm just afraid she won't reciprocate the feelings back," Lo'ak said while his hands moved in the water. Emea's eyes softened at his nervous state, sighing, guilt creeping up.

"Okay, then," she mumbled, loud for him to hear. "Forgive me as it is not my business and I will not tell her. But do not be afraid to go after what you love and believe in."

Lo'ak nodded with his gaze in the water, not daring to look at her. "Thank you."

Emea looked at Tsireya and Neteyam as they spoke, both of them glancing at one another before staring at her, almost as if they were making sure she wasn't looking.

Beneath You. 𝗡𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗬𝗔𝗠Where stories live. Discover now