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Emea died.

No, she didn't but, people thought she did because of the way she looked laying down.

Ronal and Tonowari were embracing with their children next to them eyeing the body of their sisters. Emea was simply unconscious, the effect of a bullet entering your skin and making you lose blood doing so.

The Metkayina clan didn't know if war with the Sky People was a win or a loss. For all they knew, the people would've been on their way to kill them after having killed Jake Sully and his family.

"Our daughter didn't deserve this," Ronal hissed out, glaring at nothing. "She didn't deserve this."

"Our daughter is strong," Tonowari reassured his pregnant wife. "A warrior. She is the future of this tribe and she knows it. A bullet is nothing to her."

Ronal sniffed, eyeing her daughter. and Ao'nung placed a hand on his mother's shoulder. "Let's never forget when Emea got a knife on her leg when she was a child. And she did it to herself so if she ever got stabbed, she could be immune."

Tsireya glanced at her brother in worry, afraid her parents wouldn't react the way he hoped they would react. Thankfully, they both laughed along with the rest of their people.

"Emea was a rebel," Ronal sniffed, a small smile on her face. "And after that event, when she would get hurt, she always brought up that incident. Imagine... a child stabbing herself just so she wouldn't be able to feel that pain ever again."

They all stayed quiet, watching the way Emea's chest rose up and down.

"Where is she?"

They all turned to look over their shoulders, eyeing a figure coming towards them urgently.

Neteyam came to view, his eyes landing on the body of Emea resting peacefully. He eyed her parents, watching the way Ronal patted the seat next to her.

"Is she doing okay?" He asked quietly, reaching over to grab her hand. His thumb ran over the mark she was always proud of letting everyone know about.

"She is doing better," Ronal answered. "We do not know when she will wake up. But, we hope it is today."

Neteyam nodded and sighed. "I am sorry for this. She was with me. I could've taken care of her better."

Tonowari eyed the teenager before shaking his head, eyeing the boy's father coming into view. "It is not your fault. It is the Sky
Peoples fault. Their bullet was in her skin. You did not cause that."

Ronal watched the boy's gestures. The way he ran his thumb over the skin of her daughter's hand. The way he moved hair away from her ethereal face. It was nice to see that her daughter would have a partner and a friend all in one. He's a good one.

"Tell us if anything happens," Ronal whispered to the boy, almost as if she spoke any louder, her daughter would awake.

She and her husband, along with the Sully's and the people, left them to be. Neteyam sighed and sat at peace, tiredness washing over him after his adrenaline was high not so long ago.

He felt guilty in a way. To see Emea with a bandaged shoulder, unconscious, well, it wasn't a good sight.

"Well, at least we know you didn't die so I can't kill you," he muttered, a small chuckle escaping his lips as he glanced at her before eyeing the dark sky. His laughter died down. "It's crazy to believe that you showed your leadership skills. Yes, you forgot you could connect with animals, but I don't blame you. I would've done the exact mistake."

He sighed and looked down at his hands, running his fingers through his own cuts.

He continued talking.

"It's crazy to think how much you mean to me," he looked at her. "Not so long ago, you couldn't even look at me without trying to kill me. Emea, your soul is just as beautiful as you and you need stop being so hard on yourself. You deserve nothing but a good future where you know yourself better and know your feelings even more without shutting out."

Neteyam nodded his head slowly, looking away.

He enjoyed his peace. But he couldn't fully enjoy it when his epitome of peace was unconscious right beside him.

"Your son," Tonowari began, looking at Jake as the family sat down together not so far from their children, "is in love with my daughter."

"I'm sorry," Jake looked down but he looked up once Ronal spoke.

"Do not apologize for your son loving," she told him and Neytiri. "If my daughter wants to be with him, then they will get together. If not, your son will have to move on."

Jake looked at both of them confusedly. "I thought you didn't like my children because of what I used to be."

"My daughter's happiness matters, to us," Tonowari spoke, grabbing his wife's hand. "If Emea wishes to be with him, then a ceremony will be agreed on by us both."

Jake looked at the two before sighing, a small smile on his face. Neytiri smiled at him, grabbing his hand. "I am okay with it. But only if our children are okay with it."

"Then it is settled," Ronal smiled before looking towards where her daughter laid. "Eywa has spoken to us and will my daughter be awaken soon."

Tsireya, Lo'ak, and Spider stayed by each other's sides, looking at each other before leaving towards Neteyam.

"You're going to get married, brother," Lo'ak gently teased, sitting down next to his brother as he, too, watched Emea. Spider watched her, too, admiring her.

"What?" Neteyam questioned, his eyebrows furrowing together at his brother's words.

"My parents approve of you," Tsireya smiled at him, her hands coming to rest on her sister's hair. "But, they will do a ceremony for you both if my sister has feelings for you."

"Are my feelings that obvious?"

"Very," Spider noted, "and I haven't been here at all."

"Oh, God," Neteyam ran a hand over his face. "I blame—"

"Blame yourself," Lo'ak nudged his brother's shoulder. "Poor Emea doesn't know what she's getting herself into dealing with you."

"Shut up," Neteyam rolled his eyes. "But, right now, we could only hope she wakes up sooner. I do miss the way she insulted me."

"That is such a weird thing to say."

"I'm just saying I miss her in general!"

"Yeah, right."


I'm gonna write some more chapters
about their relationship so it can increase
more and more.

Im excited!!

Also, guys, the first few chapters... some
of you piss me off 😭 idk if half of you are
even reading this book but... I'm getting
old and grumpy (I'm only 18 😖)

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