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"Will you go out with me?"

"If I were her, I would say no."

Lo'ak, Spider, and Ao'nung, stood by Neteyam, watching as he stuttered out words that he wanted to ask Emea. Clearly, it wasn't going as well since Neteyam kept forgetting half of the stuff and was insulting Emea unintentionally.

"I don't know what to say," Neteyam groaned out, sitting back on the ground where he placed a hand on his forehead. "She deserves much more than a small ask."

Ao'nung snorted and patted his shoulder. "My sister is nothing but kind. Yes, she may be, you know, very strong and stubborn but, if you give her either a big "Will you be my girlfriend?" or a small "will you go out with me?", she'll love it."

"Do you think so...?" Neteyam asked, head hanging low while he groaned, running a hand over his face. Lo'ak looked around the place before he spotted Tsireya with Emea.

"I'll be right back," he said before running away, heading towards Tsireya who eyed him confusedly. Emea looked at where her sister was looking at, eyebrows furrowed together once she saw a familiar figure running their way.

Neteyam continued groaning, embarrassed by his brother.

"Are you okay?" Emea asked Lo'ak as soon as he stood in front of them. He nodded, grabbing her sister's wrist.

"Mind if I steal her away?" Before Emea could answer, Lo'ak gave her a thumbs up. "No? Okay then. Hope you'll be able to carry the box!"

Lo'ak stole Tsireya away who placed a box of supplies on the floor, having been carrying it since Emea couldn't carry anything yet because of her shoulder.

"Well, I can carry it," Emea sighed before leaning down to grab it. She winced at the feeling but, she waved it off and continued carrying the slightly heavy box towards her pod.

"You should not be carrying that!" Neytiri immediately headed towards her, grabbing the box away from her with Jake following behind. "Where's your sister?"

"Lo'ak took her away," Emea shrugged. "And do not worry, it didn't hurt as much. I needed to stop feeling useless anyway."

"I am sorry for my son's actions," Neytiri bowed her head towards the girl who chuckled at her words, shaking her head.

"I do not mind," Emea smiled at them, moving to transport some food out of the box onto the floor. "I am just happy she is having a good time with Lo'ak and Neteyam."

"Neteyam?" Jake asked.

Emea nodded, not looking at them as she carried lighter stuff with her non-injured arm. "Yes, he, along with Lo'ak, my brother, and the human boy were all together."

Both parents looked at one another before excusing themselves from the nonchalant girl, heading towards where a certain group of boys seemed huddled up together with a girl in the middle.

"You truly are a wimp!" Neytiri and Jake heard their youngest son whisper yelled to his older brother. "She'll like the fact that you're taking her to a much more private place where you two obviously have privacy."

"I believe you should go for that one," Tsireya softly spoke. "My sister is very shy. She doesn't like the attention so I'm sure she'll feel embarrassed in a way once you ask her out in front of everyone."

"You're right," Neteyam mumbled, starting to pace. He stopped, though, once he came in contact with his parents standing not so far from them. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well, poor Emea was seen carrying boxes by herself," Jake crossed his arms, softly glaring at his youngest.

Tsireya winced and looked at Neteyam. "My sister will love whatever you decide. Trust your heart, too." She smiled at him one last time before waving at them all. "I'm going to go help my sister."

"Me, too," Ao'nung waved at them, following behind.

They all watched them leave and Neytiri glanced at her sons. "What are you doing?"

"Neteyam is planning to ask the girl out," Spider exposed the oldest who judged him harshly. "What? I'm just stating the truth. They were going to find out either way."

"I just don't know where to take her," Neteyam huffed, sitting down on a rock beside them. "I feel like there's someone near and I don't want to make her uncomfortable in any way."

"When your mother and I chose each other," Jake glanced at Neytiri who briefly smiled at him, "we went to the Tree of Voices. Maybe, you could take Emea to her sacred place."

"The Spirit Tree," Neteyam mumbled as if he now remembered the place, and he did. He forgot about it and he facepalmed himself because he had been struggling. He shook his head. "You are so right."

"Go get her!" Lo'ak grabbed his brother's shoulders, gesturing for him to head towards where Emea was coming down walking with Ao'nung and Tsireya.

"I'm scared!" Neteyam harshly whispered to his brother who smiled at the other siblings who had met up with Kiri and Tuk. "What if she says no?"

"We're going to be kicked out of here," Spider joked, but he received a glare from a nervous Neteyam. "Hey, you're going to be fine and you need to believe in this."

"I'm very, very nervous," Neteyam inhaled and exhaled, calming his nerves. He nodded at his parents and siblings and walked towards Emea's way. He grabbed her non-injured wrist from her and slightly tugged her away from everybody.

"Uh," Emea spoke, "should I be worried about the fact that your brother is acting as weird as you? And not even him, my sister and brother haven't been able to stop smiling and I'm guessing it has something to do with you."

Neteyam chuckled at her words and shrugged innocently, his shoulder bumping against hers.

He looked down and he felt the way she intertwined their fingers, looking elsewhere. She eyed the sun and the beauty of the things she was surrounded with, all while trying to hide the burn on her cheeks at the sudden act of bravery on her part.

"All I know," Neteyam spoke, "is that I wish to experience this with you every single day and time."

Emea smiled at him.

"You say more cheesy things like that, I'll kill you."

"Please, do so."

"Shut up, Neteyam."


...why didn't you guys
remind me to update this
book 😑 hehe

But I'm just trying to finish
this book so you can all be happy
and well

Please interact 🫶🏼

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