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"Father, Ao'nung has led one of the forest people to the reefs."

Tonowari looked at his daughter, the stoic expression on her eye that told him everything. He knew his daughter was anything but a liar. She didn't have a reason to lie especially when it came to her siblings.

"Bring him to me."

Emea nodded, heading towards the Sully's. She grabbed her brother by the back of his neck—she was taller than him—and took him towards her father, the others following behind.

"Hey," Jake whispered to Neteyam who stared after the girl and how she was scolding her brother, "so, you love her?"

"Dad!" Neteyam whispered back, glaring at him before glancing at Emea to make sure she wasn't listening. She wasn't. "Not right now."

"I'm just saying," Jake muttered, raising his hands. "But I think of that answer as a yes."

Neteyam ignored his father, both of them bowing their heads at coming to see the clan leader and the tsahík.

"What is wrong with you?" Tonowari scolded his son, shaking his head. "Have we not taught you better?" Ao'nung didn't respond. He looked down at the floor and the leader looked at Jake. "If your son won't come back by tonight, my daughter and the others will look."

"You will not send our daughter to the reefs," Ronal hissed at him and he looked at her with a soft gaze. "I do not agree."

"It's okay, Mother," Emea reassured her mom as best as she could, her eyes traveling down the baby bump her mother had. "I do not mind it."

Rowal furrowed her eyebrows but agreed. "I can't lose you."

"You won't."

Night came upon them rather quickly. Lo'ak was still nowhere to be found.

"Hey, if you decide to go," Neteyam stayed by Emea's side with his arms crossed, "I'll keep you company and come with you. I don't know what's beyond there but, it must be bad if your mom doesn't want you to go."

Emea looked away from him. "Thank you... But, just so you know, I would be surprised if Lo'ak makes it out of alive."

Neteyam sighed and he looked up at hearing footsteps. He saw Jake looking at them. "Your mother isn't going to like this." Neteyam quickly agreed which is why she hasn't heard of the news. Jake looked at the girl. "You don't have to go if you don't want to."

"I'm a warrior," Emea stood up straight, giving him a side glance, "and going there shouldn't affect me as much considering I know the surroundings."


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