A Home Welcome in Ponyville

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Third POV

The town called Ponyville blistered with both unicorns and ponies as they went to and fro with their daily life.

But what they didn't apprehend was a female alicorn calmly walking in town with two wisps accompanying her.


Second POV

Many eyes were staring at you, which made you a bit nervous.

Why is everypony staring at me? It's kinda creeping me out.

As the ponies noticed that they were staring at you for a moment, they continued on with their business while not being rude.

"Hello there!"

You heard a male voice and you turned around to see an Earth pony with pale, light pink coat, a puffy mane and tail that looks like premium pink strawberries, light grey cyan eyes, and his Cutie Mark is a yellow ballon with a blue string on the top and two balloons with yellow strings on the bottom.

You felt nervous when meeting a new person— er, a pony to be exact

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You felt nervous when meeting a new person— er, a pony to be exact. But you might as well act like a pony, even though you're an alicorn.

"Hi there! I'm Bubble Berry!" The stallion introduced himself, "Are you new? You must be! I've never seen you around here in Ponyville before!"

You nervously chuckled as his cheeriness, but you greeted him nonetheless.

"Yes, I'm new in town. My name is Y/n."

"Y/n hm?" Bubble Berry hums, "Never heard anypony have that kind of name before! But my Bubble Senses told me I'd meet somepony new, and in fact, I did!"

The lighted pink stallion noticed that you had wings and a horn as he let out a huge gasp.

"Are you an alicorn!?"

You knew what he meant by the word alicorn, so you confirmed his question with a nod as a yes.

"I never thought I would see a alicorn mare!" He squeals with excitement, "This made my day even better!"

You giggled, "Is that so?"

"Mhmm," he then noticed the two wisps that accompanied you, "and who are these creatures?"

"They are called Willow-o-Wisps, helpers of the Spirit Guardian. The white one is Winter and the black one is Shadow." You introduced them to him, "And their master/leader is me."

"Woah...amazing! And they're cute too!" The stallion then remembered something, "Oh! Wait here!" And sped off in a blur to who knows where.

The two wisps looked at you, but you shrugged as Bubble Berry returned with a card in his mouth.

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