Friendship is Magic - Part 1

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Third POV

A month has passed since Y/n's arrival in Equestria. It was alright at first while encountering five stallions along the way until saving Ponyville from sudden intruders, which lead the Spirit Guardian mare meet Prince Solaris and Lord Tadashi.

Especially meeting the prince's faithful student, Dusk Shine, and the female baby dragon, Barbra, a day later.

Though the dream Y/n had with Nightterror Nebula unsettled her for some time. From what he said of returning to Equestria on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, the mare hopes it doesn't happen or else she will be forced to join his side for all eternity.


Second POV

A new day arrived as you were rushing your way to the library with Shadow and Winter following from behind. The letter Dusk sent you was troubling, but he said that it's an emergency. As soon as you three made it to the large room, you saw the violet stallion looking for a book from one of the shelves; though he was making a mess during the process.

"Ugh! Where is it?" He mutters.

"Uh Dusk, what are you looking for?" You asked while placing the books back with your magic as Barbra, Winter, and Shadow helped you.

"I'm looking for an old copy of the Predictions of Prophecies, but I can't seem to find it!" The stallion panics.

You sighed and began helping Dusk find the book he's looking for. After checking each shelf, you found the book he was looking and gave to him. Dusk sighed with relief as Barbra looks at him curiously.

"Stallion of the Moon? Isn't that an old ponies' tale?" She asks while placing back the last few books on the shelf on the ladder.

Dusk flips through each different pages of the book until landing on a picture of a alicorn of the moon.

"The Stallion of the Moon, myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon." He reads, "Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousand year, the stars will aid in his escape, and he will bring about nighttime eternal!" He gasps and turned to you four.

"Guys! Do you know what this means?"

"No," Barbra answers, then yelps from the ladder.

Before she could hit the ground, you caught the female dragon with your magic and placed her onto the tiled ground.

"Are you alright?" You asked.

Barbra nodded as Dusk approaches you both with worry and relief. "At least you're okay," he then clears his throat and continues.

"Anyway, Barbra, take a note please, to Lord Solaris." He said, as Barbra ran to get a quill and a piece of paper.

"Okie dokie," she said, ready to write down what Dusk has to say.

"My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster!" The stallion says while walking around the room.

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