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"Well it's not my fault you don't communicate!" Tyler snapped. Wednesday just glared at him. "See proves my fucking point." Tyler then headed towards the door. "Bitch." Wednesday dryly said. "Seriously?!" Tyler turned around and continued," I've set up so fucking much for us, you! Fuck, I even tried to understand your emotions!" Tyler finished on the edge of tears. "I told you I will stop on your heart and put my needs first."

"Fucking a year and a half ago! Since then you've actually cared! And now you have the same fucking act from when you were stressing out about the fucking hyde!" Tyler shouted. "Maybe they should've sent you to jail." Wednesday responded much quieter than him. Those words broke Tyler. He just left. Tears pouring down his face. He got into his car and drove home.

It was hard to drive. The tears made his vision blurry. He made it home safely though. He burst through the door and his father immediately got up. "Tyler can you- Hey,hey what's wrong?" Tyler didn't know what to say,"I..We.. Wednesday and I argued." The taller man nodded. He patted his sons back,"That happens sometimes. But at the end of the day you both love each other. Now I have to go to the station. Work it out with Addams."

Tyler nodded and ran up to his room. He locked the door even though his Dad was leaving. He put his back to the door and slid down it crying.

Wednesday was sitting on her bed. "No thing. It isn't my fault. He knew he got himself into this when he asked me out." Thing made a 'dumb ass' kind of motion with his fingers. Wednesday rolled her eyes. "He's probably out partying with some other girl anyway. He'll get over it." Thing crawled over to Enids side and told her the story.

"Wednesday I do think you should apologize." Enid said. "He knows-" "Yes but maybe he was having a bad day. Plus you can't do that all the time. He's your boyfriend after all." Enid explained.
Wednesday sighed,"Fine. Thing C'mere." Thing crawled over to Wednesday. Wednesday got out a sharpie and began writing on Thing.

Tyler was in his bedroom. His eyes were red and puffy and his nose was running. He jumped when he heard a knock on his window. He opened it and saw Thing. Thing crawled in and showed him his hand. "Meet me at are spot?" Tyler read aloud.

Tyler rushed into the bathroom to try and fix his puffy eyes. He eventually gave up and just went to where Wednesday and Tyler had watched legally blonde. Once Tyler got there he opened the doors and saw Wednesday in there. Fairy lights were still up from the last time they were there. Tyler smiled to himself when he saw that.

"We should talk. I do need to communicate." Wednesday said. Tyler nodded and walked closer to Wednesday. Wednesday felt like she had been stabbed when she saw Tyler's red puffy eyes but she chose to ignore it,"So I know I'm not good at communicating or emotions regardless. But we need to work together on those type of things. "

Tyler knew this was her way of saying sorry,"It's fine. It really is." Wednesday nodded and gave him a quick kiss,"How long have you've been crying?" Tyler shrugged and Wednesday rolled her eyes. "I love you." "I love you too."

Wednesday Addams x Tyler Galpin (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now