Chapter 4. tearfully rare

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(Thank you for reading my book :)) I fall inlove with Peneople and Colin love story, I hope you enjoy it!!)

The following day a set of flowers arrived and a topically unproblematic gentleman had a sense of determination for answers.

Benedict Bridgerton would prefer to stay hidden in his art room away from the world that surrounded everyone else with its drama and balls a blank canvas is far more interesting and after he was finished it would surely become far more ... that was the problem he has painted so many wonderful pieces of Art that none had strick out as special. So deciding to embrace the ton for a mere moment to visit his family Benedict found himself walking into a busy house smiling at Henny who was looking rather annoyed "Can you please tell George that boys his age are to show maturity not lack of it" with that she stormed passes and into the kitchen Benedict stood shaking his head stunned by his baby sister remarks she is bold and honest and quite frankly Benedict loves it as does the rest of the family well maybe not the ones she picks on.

"Benny you're just the right person" Kate sudden voice pulled Benedict head to the left she stood gorgeous as ever walking forward pulling her brother in law into a hug he loved how she brought more warmth to the family and the spices from India even though Anthony almost choke on the 'seasoned' chicken one night. "Good morning Kate how are you feeling today?" He questioned curiously "I am okay although I am a little tired I think it's from Anthony, who has called for the doctor call in this morning" Kate replied
"I think Anthony would call every doctor in the courty to hope for good health to stay with you." Ben smiled "one day you'll make someone incredibly happy once you remain curious" Kate words stayed in his mind as he smiled thanking her in which she nodded
"I think I'll go laid down until the doctor arrives, Anthony is in his office"
" okay Kate, thank you" Benndict replied kissing her hand before heading to see Anthony sitting behind his desk as his eyes scanned over papers "Good morning dear old brother I take it your darling wife isn't happy with you this morning "

"What makes you believe so?" Anthony questioned not looking up from his papers "come on Anthony it is twelve O'clock and how many doctors have you call round in short time"
"Benedict when one's wife is ill even the smallest cough can make you grow an unforseenble amount of impatience to hear good health" Anthony replied lifting only his eyes to stare at Benndict "you will understand one day when you meet you're dearest"
Benedict made no mind to his brother's comment "and is kate in good health?" Benedict questioned looking at his brother feeling a bit impatience with the wait for confirmation he adores Kate and everything she has done. Anthony smiled placing his papers on the desk as he sat against his chair "the doctor is coming any minute he will have an answer"
"Benedict joked as he sat comfortably "so what happened last night" Anthony questioned he had left early after Kate said she was dizzy Benedict remembered how Peneople stuck by kate's side as they left "I noticed Colin looking ... well done founded watching Penelope Featherington leave with you and kate" Benedict replied "imagine how he'll respond to the Whistledown colum -
"He still hasn't seen it ? I thought you would of shown him by now certainly before last night's ball" Benedict said "I planned to but mother insisted waiting until he had rest I didn't expect him to attend the ball why would he attend after just returning" Anthony questioned "for Miss.Featherington you didn't the look of annoyness while she danced with some lord"

"Miss.Featherington dances with someone else? Who "
"I don't know I never got his name but Colin did"
"They spoke?"
"From what Lady Danbury said later that night, our brother asked for a dance and she rejected his hand instead dancing with a new gentleman. Colin face was the price of a bottle of Italian rum" Benedict joked "imagine his reaction to Whistledown-

"What might my reaction by to that gossip colum?" Colin's sudden appearance startled both men as he walked forward "can I see it? " Colin questioned looking at Anthony before saying "I should of been inform if she wrote about me"
Anthony pulled open his drawer by his left quickly glancing at the colum before passing it to Colin who's smiled was suddenly gone..

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