Chapter 2: brothers wedding

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It was a beautiful day the sun shone brilliantly as Colin stepped out of his carriage a strong gust of wind blew against his face English weather was often a mixture of good and bad. The ton was the same as it had been always been same buildings, homes nothing was different, throughout the long journey Colin slept, wrote in his journals and read his books now as his carriage rode into the familiar path, colin fixed his jacket with a stere expression he hadn't planned on returning back just so soon however it was time for another session and Anthony mentioned how he hoped their sister fran would find a husband this year as Colin sat with his chin in his hand as he looked out the window he didn't know how he felt about any of his sisters getting married in his eyes no man could show enough earn to have her, however if they wanted to be courted than he will stick by each one like glue.

Once he's carriage pulled up outside Number 5 Colin quickly stepped down after receiving his bags he stood on the footpath watching the carriage pull away that's when a familiar house came into sight Featherington house.. judging by the lack on information about his friend Peneople he had become fixed on finding out why she has chosen to inorge him and it was Anthony wedding and Colin would not miss it for anything.

He had followed his family from the church he had arrived just in time to find his family gathered outside their home Anthony and Kate standing beaming like children their wedding was marvellous their happiness was in no short supply colin couldn' t help but smile widely at the sense he was thrilled for Anthony some may consider under 100 people "small" this wedding was nothing as grand as Anthony first...event. but this was perfect a short affair, it included an exchange of vows and a dinner feast and dancing afterwards Colin was more excited for the feast since it had been a while since he had a good proper meal he missed Mrs Wilson food however he doubted she missed his appetite.

"Ah Colin glad you're finally home" Anthony announced pulling his brother into a hug padding each other backs "I wouldn't miss your wedding to the right wife for the world" Colin joked Benedict laughed as he elbowed Anthony "there will be no talk of that now that I woke up in time " he couldnt help but remind himself of all the times where he came close to losing her now he would never let anything happen to her. Anthony faced his brothers again once Benedict spoke
" you'd probably be on a boat to India " the two brothers laughed at the memory of when Anthony had been sea sickness once on a family trip and how he hated it that he swore never again. "yeah yeah well luckily I'm saved from that torture" anthony said smirking as he held up his left hand pointing to his wedding band "I now pass the role to you both but of course colin wont be any service there, maybe Benedict will find a match"

Colin rolled his eyes "please you'd have better marrying Elosie than Benedict " Colin said his eyes found her standing talking to Mother it surprised him since he expected to find a certain red head near the gathering "are you looking for someone Colin? A red headed lady perhaps " Benedict questioned rising a brow "right well let's take the picture so we can eat I'm sure Colin's hungry" Anthony said in a dismissal tone as he walked away "what was that about?" Colin asked Benedict as they walked slowly "you know him always serious, leave him be today is their day" Benedict replied before padding colins back "Good to have you back for now"

Once the picture was taken and hugs were exchanged everyone moved into the house to celebrate as the drinks were been poured everyone happily chatting away, Colin's mind was thinking many thoughts 'what was the matter with Anthony? What did Benedict mean when he said for now? And where is Peneople? Why wasnt she here? Should he visit now? Before he could move onto the drive path Violet arm linked in his "It's so lovely to have you home colin" Violet spoke up as she stood next to him he smiled at her "it's good to be home I missed everyone especially you mother" he said acing a kiss on her cheek it was a sweet gesture that made her smile beam more however she was curious as to how long she will have him stay now that Daphne and Anthony are married the nest to growing and shorten all at once and Violet hoped a certain growth might appear this season.
"Colin now that you're home I was wondering how long until you're next trip " she asked colin signed he was been asked this question by everyone "why does everyone ask me that"

"Well since Anthony is just married I do not believe he will be much help with Fran this season even though he will tried and I'll let him think he is helping I want them to enjoy this time together, Benedict well I don't think he has much time, these days he's always painting and selling "
"Benedict is selling his paintings?" Colin questioned looking at his brother who was laughing with Kate by the look on Anthony's face it must be at his expense "he doesn't say much only that he'd rarher the money and he found a reasonable buyer" violet said that was alarming to colin and something he certainly would question soon enough. "He's been working more and that's why I was hoping you would assist fran this year in finding a suitor" Violet informed him colins eyes widened "Mother I do not think I am suitable for the role I could get it wrong suit her with the likes of Sir Martin " Violet laughed padding his arm "don't discredit your abilities my boy, you wouldn't dare "

 "He's been working more and that's why I was hoping you would assist fran this year in finding a suitor" Violet informed him colins eyes widened "Mother I do not think I am suitable for the role I could get it wrong suit her with the likes of Sir...

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Colin had every mind to walk straight over there to speak with Peneople he wanted to know why she had not wrote to him, maybe she was ill and gis family didnt want to tell him.. no the news would be too much for Eloise she would of told him although judging from Anthony letter he mentioned the pair are no longer speaking what happened between them ??

"COLIN!!!" A sudden strong arm sat across his shoulders squeezing his left shoulder turning to spot Anthony standing there he quickly dropped his bag pulling his brother into a tight hug "Anthony god it's good to see you " Colin said patting his brother back "congratulations on your baby news " he continued as they pulled away "Ah yes I'm very happy won't be to long till we get our baby" Anthony said sounding very happy with his news "it's good to have you home " Anthony said Colin nodded with a smile before looking back over his shoulder at his next stop.

"COLIN!!" Colin head snapped back to looked at the stairs to see Kate smiling at him as she slowly walked from the steps "Hi Kate it's good to see you, I've missed you congratulations" Colin said hugging his sister in law he always loved Kate like a sister he was glad Anthony found his perfect match. "Ah Colin I've missed you" kate declared smiling as they hugged  "now that your back at last last you can keep Anthony business"
"Has he already become old and boring" Colin teased as he helped Kate walk up the steps and into the house "certainly not quite the opposite but our honeymoon is next and you can imagine he is nervous to leave you lot" Kate replied Colin couldn't und why Kate felt the same worry that Anthony feels it was like they became one. "Not to worry mother will continue the role until your back home" Colin replied hoping to calm her nerves Colin looked at Anthony who looked more happy than ever before as he arm wrestled Benedict head messibg his hair up Colin chuckled "I think I'll go fresh up" he said placing a quick kiss on kates cheek  before heading to his old room "GET YOUR OWN WIFE COLIN!!" Anthony shouted obviously he saw the brotherly affection.

Later that day colin finally had a chance to break away as much as he wanted to stay in the comfort of his home with his family he came home for another reason and that was to seek out Peneople, she hadn't responded to his letters and Benedict old him she was fine perfectly healthy so it stunned him with questions and Elosie was no help in solving the problem instead she ingored his questions about Peneople.

Knock knock..

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