He isn't to be trusted

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The charming young bridgerton that was Colin could speak to anyone even if it meant been polite to those he would glady watch as they were thrown out of ton as one should never spill wasted drink among another..

Colin had known how to behave in public gatherings, balls and even while walking around with tons and markets something his parents believed would work in his favour they hadnt been wrong. However among his return it has turned out very differently than what colin expected as fair as Peneople was concerned with her sudden change in her manner, her appearance and even in the way she held herself around him not to mention been kicked out of her home stinged... he has never seen her act like this even to people who were immersed in the act of ill-treatment although if anyone said those words about his siblings he would knock some quick sense into that person the feeling of guilt sank into his chest everytime he saw her.

As Peneople had wished to forget the night of her mothers party from last session she knew it would be in vein she also came to the realisation that Colin would never love her... she knew she could no longer waste her time on a future that would never happen, it was time to move pass her feelings for Colin and finally do as her sister had done and marry..someone with class, elegance and money not that Peneople cared much for dowry but it would please her mother and if it meant she would be able to leave her home in Mayfair than so be it. As Peneople walked through the hall awaiting for the Queen to begin the debutantes event where she would find a new diamond Peneople hadnt forgotten how she was waved off by the Queen when she was in front lucky Peneople did not need the Queen to find her attractive enough to name her anything Peneople already had the name walflower ... with her mind circling Peneople hadnt noticed the tall, large person whom she just bumped into ..

Colin bridgerton decided quickly that he needed to speak with Peneople to firgure out how they could return to their friendship..

He saw Peneople from across the room with her head in the clouds day dreaming it made him chuckle knowing no one thought too much as Peneople does, As Colin made his way across ton a spark electrically his chest among the sight of Peneople bump into some stranger letting her purse fall to the ground his feet stopped as he saw the man bent down to pick it up..

"I am dreadfully sorry, I did not notice you standing there" Peneople spoke nerves hitting her throat would he yell at her call her an idiot mock her foolishness?? Instead once he stood up straight Peneople found a rather handsome man standing smiling at her she had forgotten he had been holding her purse the whole time smiling at her as he moved his arm forward in which Peneople thanked him as she took the purse not caring much for it at the moment "it is quite alright madam however I must say I shall he writing a bad letter to my tailor" the man spoke Peneople looked at him in confused by his statement "he obviously did not make me noticeable to catch your eyes, the same can not be said for myself however" he smirked slightly knowing he was trying to hse his charm which worked as she managed to blush "thank you sir.." it dawned on her they hadn't introduced each other "Dankworth, Henry Dankworth my lady" he announced placing one armbehind his back as he bowed to her, Peneople felt like she was in a dream no man has ever approached her like this okay dumped into... but still it was magical   "Miss. Peneople Featherington"
Dankworth smiled turning to his side "Shall I escort you into the main hall I believe its about to begin" Henry asked holding out his arm in which Peneople placed her shaken hand through this couldn't be real life..

In her shock she hadn't noticed Colin standing behind her as he watched them disappear..

"Thank Mr. Dankworth " Peneople bowed "You're welcome Miss.Featherington, could I speak to you among our next incounter?" Dankworth asked at thus point the butterflies are setting up home in her stomach "y .. yes of course Mr Dankworth I would like that" Peneople replied blushing as he bowed before leaving her side Peneople walked towards her family who of course hadnt noticed her return this time she was glad otherwise they would be able to see her red face.

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