Chapter 4: Caught

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       As you can tell this realization came as quite a shock. Never before had I felt such a betrayal, however I shouldn't have trusted him so quickly in the first place. Feeling hurt I slid the book into my pocket (it was very small) and stepped into the passage. I had decided that I would go by myself to the courtyard to set my feelings into place.

      There are a lot of things I could have done differently in the following events but I've never been the smartest when it comes to common sense.

        As I turned the corner that took me from the passage to my room to the passage leading to the library the hairs on my neck stood up. I suddenly felt a sense of being watched and it began to creep me out. But either way I was going to go to the courtyard. Quietly I opened the hatch below the lookout in the courtyard, this is where they would prepare for outside warfare.

     Just before I could lift myself out of the hatch I noticed a figure in the distance. Noticing the familiar frame I cringed internally, of course he knew, he always knew. One thing about Technoblade is that he had the senses of a god, at one point I questioned him on if he could read minds. His response was with laughter "of course not, I'm not Edward Cullen".

       Before that I didn't know he had read the books on the shelves as well, this wasn't his living quarters. Although now that I think about it I had never asked where he slept, or if he even slept.

     He turned to me as I finally got out of the hatch. Raising an eyebrow at my unsure face he questioned me "why are you here, especially without me".

"I am with you stupid".

"Well sure but I didn't accompany you, don't go thinking you can just walk around the palace Rina, you will get caught".

"Don't tell me what to do".

"Where's the attitude coming from"?

"You wanna know where it's coming from"?

     He huffed and nodded at me "obviously, I JUST asked". At this point I was ready for the truth, and yes it may seem rude or that I'm just overcomplicating things but this man left me alone. Technoblade made me an orphan and made my entire family suffer for no reason other than his fathers own greed.

      Just as I had finished gathering every ounce of strength in me to confront the pigman, we heard yelling. Our heads snapped at the same time toward the hallway into the castle at the same time as if it were practiced. The prince looked at me in horror, he ran to me as fast as he could. Just as he was about to reach me his crown teetered from atop his pink locks and fell to the floor.

      To the horror of both of us it made such a noise that the guards were led right to us. The prince grabbed me, he had kept me away from these men for months now to ensure my safety. If a person from the overworld, a place that was so hated they had tried to destroy contact completely, was found, they would be killed.

   Again, Technoblade grabbed me around the waist and hoisted me onto his shoulders. This was when I realized, these men could not even pry me from Technoblade's cold dead arms.

I was safe in Techno's hold.

      He held me close as around ten huge, burly, and quite honestly ugly men entered the room. They upturned their snouts at me as if I disgusted them, in my opinion they had no room to talk.

     The ugliest one of them all, as well as the biggest, strode forward. He was about a foot away from Technoblade when he first spoke "Prince Technoblade, you know your fathers rules, it must be like this".

    Technoblade then bent down slightly, he was still two feet taller than the other and huffed angrily "like hell it must, she is coming with me and that is the end of this unless you wish to breathe your last breath in this room". The other pig looked slightly frightened, I couldn't blame him, I'm sure he knew of the tragedy the prince had caused.

    But still the man held his ground, "now Technoblade, or we will get nasty, surrender her and you will be spared". Anyone could feel the bone chilling way this was muttered but regardless, the man I was sitting on didn't stir.

"Gerard please, go now, you have a family, you have kids. See the mercy within yourself to return to them, go to your loved ones. Leave us be or this entire room will be soaked with your blood, forever stained by the remorse you lack." 

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