Chapter 5: The Merciless Alpha

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"Take her to the meeting Square. I will be with you within a minute," said the alpha as his angry eyes left mine and he hurriedly returned inside his home.

My eyes never left him as he did. I was still frightened by his growl. His growl was so powerful.

I was again being dragged away from his home.

I whined as they did, and I was kicked to the side to shut up.

I growled in pain. I felt tears forming in my eyes, but again I managed to fight them back and conceal my identity.

They pulled into a strange area. Several wolves were there. In the center of the area, they tied me to a pole. I immediately stood on my feet as they did. I tried to break the chain, but with every attempt, I failed. I was still weak from hunger, and the chain was too strong for me. I looked around terrifyingly at everyone while my heart raced in my chest. They all just stood there, waiting to see what was going to happen.

"He's here." I heard a whisper in the crowd.

My attention went to what they were staring at, and my heart raced even more in my chest, seeing it was the blood-eyed alpha heading straight towards me. With every step he took, my body trembled at his powerful presence. He is larger than all his wolves in their second form. He was a frightful sight to look at. As he came close to me, my eyes widened, and I noticed a thick piece of whip in his right hand that had spikes all over it.

"Please don't hurt me," I said, afraid to be struck with the deadly whip.

The alpha ignored me, and he raised his right hand, striking me hard with it. I peed myself at how painful the hit was. Again, his hand was raised for another.

"Please have mercy on me," I kept on begging him as I stared into his eyes, hoping he would. But again, he ignored me. His blood-red eyes show no pity for me. All I could see in his eyes was coldness and his strong determination to punish me.

The whip slashes my body, tearing apart my skin with its spike. I cried out and fought back my tears for my identity's sake; it was so hard. I fell to the ground, and my body wriggled in pain as he kept on hitting me repeatedly. My entire fur was covered in blood, and the floor I lay on was. No one begged him to stop; they just watched him.

Finally, the alpha had stopped. I panted on the ground as if I were about to take my last breath. At that moment, I felt like my life was about to flash before my eyes. I felt a sense of death creeping upon me.

"Pull the chain!" the Alpha growled angrily.

My eye closed, and my body lay stiff on the ground, not having any energy to move.

It half-opened as I felt a tight grip around my neck.

"You shall be a message to your kind that chooses to hunt on my land again," said the alpha.

I then saw a blurry vision of his claw emerging from his finger.

I whimpered as his claw sank into the flesh of my forehead, moving about.

"Nothing," I heard him say as his finger left my forehead, now covered in blood. He wiped the blood from his finger into my fur and dropped my body onto the ground.

"Get up and leave, scoundrel," he orders.

I could not move. I was too weak.

"Get up, I said!" he then yelled.

My body quivered as I tried to stand on four feet, but I just fell back down onto the ground.

"Get up, I said, or I will kill you." The alpha kept hitting me over and over again to leave his land.

I whimpered, and I took every one of his painful hits, not having the strength, and I closed my eyes, preparing to die.

"Enough!" I heard a female voice, causing the alpha to stop hitting me.

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