Chapter 8: Her home.

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"I don't care if you're my father's only sister or that you're my aunt, if you disobey me, your alpha, I will see to it that you're kicked out of this pack!"

I whimpered and passed fearing what the alpha had said. I know how painful it feels to be alone. I could not allow her to be kicked out of her pack all because of me. I didn't plan to stay with her either. I was not safe here nor with the alpha. I had planned to leave when I feel the two wolves had gone.

"Come, don't worry about me," said Madisonsensing I wasn't following her.

"I rather leave this pack than stay with an alpha that is heartless and cruel."

I started on my way with her again.

"Do you hear me, Madison!" I again heard the alpha yell.

I glanced behind me and my head quickly turned back around at the deadly stare the alpha gave me.

Madison lead me to a strange home away from all the homes. A brown house that was surrounded by tall trees. The place was beautiful and felt peaceful. It somehow reminded me of home, the depth of the forest. I looked around as we approached the home.

"Don't worry, we're save here," she told me. "My small land may not be among my arrogant nephew's land, but no other wolf can cross this path. They're all terrified of him."

I whimpered, scared not wanting to go inside. I didn't feel safe entering her home.

"It's okay, if you feel scared coming inside, you can stay on the porch and I'll get my first aid kit to look at your injuries," she told me.

I nervously stood on her porch while she went inside. My eyes search the new surrounding for any wolf who secretly wishes to attack me. My body suddenly jumped at a loud noise.

"Please calm down, it's just the door, slammed," Madison returned outside.

Within her hand, I saw a strange object. I stared at worried.

"It's the first aid kit I told you I was going to get, to look at your injuries," she explained to me.

I walked backward as she got close to me.

"I'm one of the doctors of this pack," said Madison as she stood still. "I won't hurt you, please let me check on your injuries to see if they are healing properly."

"They're fine," I told her quickly.

"They could be infected somehow," she was determined to look at my injuries.

"I'm okay," I was persistent in not allowing her to check my injuries.

"Okay, if you say so." she put away the first aid kit.

"Well since you've said your injuries are fine. Please come inside and get yourself clean."

I soon felt like it was time to leave. I ran past her leaving her porch.

"Wait," Madison tried to stop me.

I didn't and continued on my way. I had to get away from there to a place I would feel safe.

"Please," she begged me.

I stopped and turned to face her, that's all I could do after how kind she is to me.

"I know it's difficult for you to trust anyone but I wish you could trust me," she told me as she slowly left her porch and stood not close to me.

"I wish you could stay here with me. I could give you a home, a home you've been searching for."

My head sadly turned away from hers. She could never give me the home I seek. She could never bring back my loved ones, my entire pack. I belonged only with them and no one else.

I slowly began to walk away.

"You're forever going to have bad luck with any wolves, a lone wolf can never survive for a long time. You will need someone to protect you."

You can never protect me, no one can, I began to run away from her home.

"You know where to find me if you ever change your mind!" she yelled.

I was never going to change my mind. All I could think about at that moment was finding a place, a safe place where no one would find me.

I ran across her land, hoping I could avoid meeting with any members of her pack. The breeze blew through my fur and my nose burns from the awful scent of my body. I was stink, that I was having a hard time bearing my scent.

I stopped on a large rock, my head raised and my ears for a safe place I could start my search for a new home. I heard a river not too far from me and so I decided to take that path. I hurriedly ran towards it. As I arrived at the river, my head lowered, and I drank some of the water, thirstily.

Unaware that I was somehow being watched. I whined out and I quickly turned around by a sharp pain behind me. My eyes widened in shock as I saw one of the Grey pack members with my tail in his mouth. 

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