Chapter 9: The Tail-less Wolf

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I whimpered, frightened and in pain. My tail was bitten off.

"When I'm through with you, you won't look like a wolf, you scoundrel. You and your kind don't deserve to be called a wolf, you're all low life and a disgusting rogue."

Immediately I turned around to flee for my life. He leaped readily to sink his teeth into my neck. My eyes closed preparing for my death. Suddenly my eyes opened hearing a fight. I was surprised to see two wolves from the Dark Moon Pack fighting the Two Grey wolves. Quickly, I turn around and ran away from them. Tears emerged from my eyes. I could not fight back the tears of the great pain I was undergoing. The Grey pack had killed my entire pack, robbing me of a life of happiness and peace I could have had and now one had bitten off my tail.

I returned in the same direction I was coming from not having anywhere else to go. My body was now soaked from the rain caused by my tears. I ran for my life and for my safety scared the Grey Pack might somehow know that I am a part of The River Pack, because of my tears. On my way, I ran into Madison. She ran towards me, too soaked in the rain.

"I heard you cry out and I was worried about you!" she spoke loudly.

I fainted before her, feeling weak.

"Young she-wolf!" she cried out worried.

My eyes slowly closed and I passed out.


Immediately, I was awakened feeling a cold object against my fur. I jumped up and I found myself in a strange place.

"It's okay, you're safe here," said Madison. "You're in a spare room in my house," she tried to calm me down.

In her hand, I saw a wet white object.

My heart raced as I look around at the strange objects in the small room I was in.

"That's a bed," said Madison, seeing I was clueless about what I was seeing.

"My head turned from the bed and to another strange object.

"That's a closet where we put our clothes," she touched her body showing what were clothes.

I stare at the clothing she was in that was the same color as the sky, blue.

"This is a frilly, dress I'm wearing," she said as she spun around.

The end of the blue dress floated in the air as she did.

Recollecting what had happened to my tail, my head sadly turned behind me.

I whined sadly as I did. My tail was now as short as a bunny's.

"I'm sorry," apologized Madison.

I ran from the room passing her. I paused at a strange path.

"It's a stair for going down and up," said Madison.

I took the strange stair. I whimpered falling and rolling from it.

"Young she-wolf," Madison ran behind me. She lowered herself and a single hand tried to touch my fur.

I growled at her and quickly stepped as far as I could from her.

"I saved you, please remember I'll never hurt you," said Madison.

I calm down, remembering how kind she has been to me and how worried she was when she searched for me in the rain.

We both stood staring at each other at the end of the stairs.

"You have no knowledge of anything within this home. It's like you have the mind of a pup," she said staring at me in disbelief.

"I'm sorry for the life you've dwelled."

My head lowered.

"What is your name?" she asked.

I couldn't tell her my name. It would be too dangerous.

My grandmother once told me that when I was in my mom's belly. My mom knew from the start what gender I was going to be and so she had been calling me Salem from I was ready to be conceived.

"Rain, my name is Rain," I lied.

My grandmother told me that my mother loved the rain. She loved the sound, how peaceful it was, and how it had the power to cool down the earth whenever it was too hot from the sun's heat.

If I should ever be given another name. I would surely love to be called rain.

"You have a beautiful name Rain," said Madison.

I began to cry. I immediately stopped crying when the rain outside began.

"Look, even the rain loves your name as well. It starts to fall again," said Madison clueless that it was me causing it.

I was happy she was clueless.

"Thank you," I told her as I began to leave her home again.

"Rain," she stopped me.

"When will you realize that you're not safe being alone," said Madison. I fear if you leave again you'll not only this time lose your tail you'll be dead," Madison warned.

Immediately I turned to look at her.

"Stay with me, you'll be safe here. It's far too dangerous for a she-wolf to be alone."

My head lowered.

"Seeing that you have a lot to learn, let me tell you this Rain. This world of wolves only operates by a pack and every land that you tried to find safety on may belong to a dangerous alpha and his pack which may cost you your life. I'm offering you a place to stay so please be wise and take it."

My stare went back to her by her words.

"So will you stay?" she asked.

A wolf was safer with a pack, an unordinary wolf and I was not an ordinary wolf. My pack was all unordinary wolves and they were secretly attacked. I'll never be safe until the entire Grey pack was gone.

I tried to push the door open but it wasn't.

"I tried to make you stay, whatever happens to you just remember it will be your fault," she told me as she helped me with the door.

I quickly came out and stopped on her porch, watching the sun slowly emerging from a cloud.

"I know you're tired of running, Rain," said Madison as she stood at my side.

What she said was true. I too was tired of hiding.

"Stay here for a week and if you feel as if it's better for you to be still running around, I won't bother to stop you again," said Madison.

I looked at her.

I didn't know any objects in her room but I know how many days a week was. My grandmother didn't teach me much. She taught me the only knowledge I needed and it was the one to save me from starving and staying hidden. I couldn't read. The only word I now knew was the word the dark moon alpha clawed out on my forehead, nothing. I will forever remember him saying it in my head when he wrote it and the pain I underwent.

"Just a week," she begged me. "And if not a week you can leave within a day if you don't even like it, please."

It was a hard decision to make. My grandmother had always wanted me to be safe in the forest, but in the end, I wasn't safe in the forest. Her decision might as well not all be right for me.

Probably staring here could be a chance for me to find happiness.

"A day," I retorted.

A big smile appeared on Madison's face. A horrible feeling of regretting to accept her offer twisted and twirled in my belly. I wanted to change my mind. But just staying here only for a day, I wanted to see if it would be the end of my running and hiding. A safe place I've always wanted.

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