Chapter 10: Testing a new home 1

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It felt wrong trusting to stay with a she-wolf I barely know. I understand the reason she was so interested in giving me a home was because of her daughter who was kidnapped from her, and so showing pure kindness towards me was a form of a way for her that if her daughter was to be still alive, the same way she was treating me, her daughter would somehow receive the same treatment.

" Wow, the breeze is blowing very hard, it seems like it's going to rain soon again," said Madison.

My head held straight away from hers.

"You don't have to stay on the porch all day, remember I gave you a nice and cozy spare room upstairs."

I said nothing, still looking away from her. I just gazed at the tree branches as they are blown gently by the wind.


My head finally turned to her.

"I know you're having doubts about staying here with me, but I assure you, you're in the safest place."

My head again turned away, not believing it was.

"Please shift into your human form and get yourself cleaned up for supper."

Immediately, I got up at her comment. I was told never to shift into my human form nor to ever show the markings on my fur, that's why my fur was always dirty. I know at that moment that I shouldn't have jumped and accepted her offer. I was just tired of running around.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," I told her as I ran from her porch.

"Rain!" Madison called seeing that I was leaving.

"I can't stay here," I told her.

I heard her worried voice calling me until my distance from her prevent me from hearing her voice anymore.

Instead of running to the back of her house this time, I ran straight. I ran the fastest I could hoping I didn't see the alpha or any of his pack members. I thought too soon. I slowed down as I saw the alpha walking in my direction. As he saw me he shifted into his wolf form. My eye widen and my heart raced scared to death. His wolf was the most terrifying form I've ever seen. A gigantic wolf that was darker than the night. I quickly turn back around running from him. I glanced behind me and I squealed as I saw him gaining upon me. He was too fast. Not paying attention in front of me I fell onto the ground and rolled almost breaking my neck, my eyes closed terrified as I did.

"Leave her!" I heard an angry voice.

My eyes opened and I saw Madison in her grey wolf form, standing over my body again protecting me.

The alpha growled angrily and I shivered terrifyingly.

"I want no thief on my land," complained the alpha.

"She's not on your land, remember she staying on my land," said Madison.

"She is now and I have every right to tear her neck apart," growled the cruel alpha.

"Get up Rain and return to land immediately," Madison urged me.

"Rain," the alpha repeated the name I lied to Madison. He then laughed.

"So, you're truly serious to take in that scoundrel?" said the alpha.

"Serious than I ever will," retorted Madison gravely.

"And I'm too serious about banishing you from this land," said the alpha.

I whimpered at what he had said. I didn't want Madison to be in any trouble because of me.

"I said to return to my land now, for your own safety!" Madison growled at me.

I picked up speed hurrying back to her home. As I did I waited on her porch worried.

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