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"3...2...1...Begin!," General Rama's voice echoed around the room. Boboiboy took his fighting stance, "He's going to fail, there's no chance that he can go against all the pillar leaders," Ali smirked. Alicia's eye twitched, "Not all the pillar leaders, just three of four. Agent Djin would have enjoyed this fight if he hadn't turned into Uno," she frowned.

Ganz started the attack by lunging at Boboiboy, he simply dodged it my jumping to the side, resulting for Ganz to crash into the ground. But the pillar leaders weren't all that dumb. Ganz immediately let loose a power punch, one of those glowing blue fist shaped images, that actually hurt a lot. Boboiboy tilted his head to the side, and the power punch missed.

Dayang was floating nearby, she sent the balls after him, they circled Boboiboy, Zain popped up behind him and shot some glowing green bullets, while Ganz sent his power punch. Dayang clapped her gloved hands together, and a barrier appeared, keeping the power punch and the bullets bouncing around inside.

Boboiboy struggled to dodge them, the pillar leaders smirked at his strained expression, until the expression became an eerie grin. "Boboiboy Gempa! Earth Tunnel!" a hole appeared under his feet as he snapped his fingers. He dropped feet- first and reappeared from another hole between Ganz and Dayang, he kicked them from both sides, as the two yelped in surprise.

"Earth Pillars!" multiple Earth pillars attacked them upwards. "Aargh!" Dayang screamed. Ganz grunted in pain. Suddenly, the pillars disappeared, and they fell downwards, crashing from 50 metres in the air. They were on the nick of consciousness, they had never felt so weak.

"I'm not done yet! Earth Golem!" The golem slammed them in the chest, creating a crater underneath the two pillar leaders. Dayang and Ganz were officially rendered unconscious. "Huh, weak," Boboiboy dusted his brown and black attire. Zain suddenly appeared behind him, he aimed the gun, and shot at his back.

Boboiboy did a bend back and cartwheeled back to his original standing position, "Nice try Zain," Boboiboy laughed, "But next time, try harder. Boboiboy Thorn!" he converted into Thorn. Boboiboy's attitude and aura immediately turned innocent and playful, his clothes turned black and green, and his eyes became larger and more joyful. Zain frowned.

Thorn summoned some vines and sent them towards Zain, but he dodged them, "Nice tr-" Zain didn't get to finish, more vines had crept up behind him, and wrapped him all over. He created one of his carnivorous plants, and they wrapped around Zain, the plant let loose a sleeping powder when it sneezed, which sent agent Zain, the talented Neuro Pillar Leader, unconscious.

"These all-powerful Pillar Leaders that they have all told me about failed to my most nicest elements?" Boboiboy muttered. The crowd erupted in cheer and sheer shock. Alicia and Ali who had heard what he had said glanced at each other. Nicest?

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