First mission

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Boboiboy was given an explanation of every little detail that had happened during the attack.

"It's a test that every young agent has to do," Alicia explained. Chris, one of the junior agents in Combat walked up to him.

"I'm Chris if you didn't know, it is amazing to meet you Agent Elemental, it's probably your first mission so just go with the flow," Chris grinned.

Boboiboy nodded, and fixed his new cap backwards, its glowing outlines had really helped him see in the dark.

"Why do you have that mask with a bandanna underneath?" Moon hopped over and joined the conversation.

Boboiboy shrugged and glanced over at Ali and Rudy. The two looked like they were having an argument.

Alicia sighed, "Those two are having their usual quarrel, Ali, the unexperienced IRIS kid, vs Rudy, the arrogant hedge-hog," she waved them away.

Agent Leon led them to the meeting room. "Geetha, we're all here now," he told the Techno mentor. Agent Geetha nodded knowingly and brushed off her red lined lab coat.

A hologram, just like the one that Agent Zain had showed Boboiboy, appeared. A man's face was there, Uno.

Boboiboy gasped, "You know Uno?!" he pointed at the hologram in alarm.

"You know him as well? He's M.A.T.A's greatest enemy, he used to be one of our good agents, a core leader, Agent Djin," General Rama's commanding voice appeared somewhere in the shadows.

He stepped into the light, "Hello junior agents, mentors and Agent Elemental," General Rama greeted grudgingly.

"Hi General Rama," they all said in unison. Rudy said it with an unusually flat tone.

"Just a few minutes ago, one of our agents, to be specific, Agent Fit, reported seeing Uno's plane land just a few kilometres from the perimeter of Cyberjaya," General Rama declared.

"Dos and Trez came out, and headed the the left, towards one of our azurium mines, while Cinco, Uno and the rest, headed out towards the right, which really caught our attention," Agent Geetha continued.

"So?" Alicia asked, a smile made its way up her face as realisation reached her. Boboiboy could almost see the gears in her head turning.

Ali just looked plainly confused, "I don't get it," he said finally.

Boboiboy stifled a laugh. Alicia shot him a look like, 'how do you find this funny? I literally have to put up with this attitude every day of my life!'

"So you think that Uno was heading towards his secret base?" Alicia asked.

General Rama, her adoptive father nodded. "He was heading towards plain land, from what Agent Fit says, the ground opened up and stairs led downwards to what looked like a secret base," he cracked his knuckles.

"So our mission is to infiltrate the base, find some intel about why they are using azurium, an explosive, and try and secretly mess up their plan? But I have a feeling that half of us are going to stop Dos and Trez from even taking the azurium," Boboiboy guessed.

Agent Geetha clapped her hands together, "You are absolutely correct, Agent Elemental," she beamed.

"What are you junior agents even waiting for? Get out of here and hurry up, before Agent Fit get's spotted! Here is his location, I'll send it to IRIS, join him and go!" General Rama ushered them all out of the meeting room.

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